EDN Admin
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Hi,<br/> I recently moved a an unmanaged win32/ATL application from VS2005 Pro to VS2008 Pro (SP1).<br/> The main window has a rebar control with a toolbar attached.<br/> The application compiles without errors on VS2008.<br/> However, when it runs, the rebar/toolbar is invisible.<br/> After debugging, I discovered with the use of the GetWindowRect function that the rebar control (created with CreateWindowEx and the RBS_AUTOSIZE style was only 4 units in height after adding a toolbar that is 28 units high.<br/> I even attempted resizing the rebar with MoveWindow, but it remained 4 units high.<br/> If I substitute the path to the v5.0 commctrl.h and recompile everything, the rebar control appears normal as it did with VS2005.<br/> Is there any workaround with v6.0a ( the default for VS2008)?<br/> I tried the solution from the thread http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vcgeneral/thread/531c97ea-2ae5-4d75-8fc3-2d77baf053a0, but it had no effect. (#define NTDDI_VERSION NTDDI_WINXP <br/> #define _WIN32_WINNT _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP ).<br/> Regards,<br/> Mike<br/> <br/>
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