EDN Admin
Well-known member
I am converting my code from VS2005 to VS2008 on XP and everything was going okay until I tried to run it. Almost as soon as I try to run it, it crashes... "Unhandled exception as 0x78656641a (mfc90d.dll)...". I am not completely sure what the problem is. I have read in other forums that this could be caused from failure to link dlls. I ran Dependecny Walker and the only dll I was missing was dwmapi.dll. So I got it from another person and added it to the folder. Now the only message DW gives is
<b><font color="#ff0000" size=1> "Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module."</b></font>
Outside of DW (which I cant fix), I dont know what else could be wrong or if this is even the cause of my problems. Could someone please help?
<font color="#0000ff
int</font> AFXAPI AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance...)
ASSERT(hPrevInstance == NULL);
<font color="#0000ff int</font> nReturnCode = -1;
CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();
CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
<font color="#008000 // AFX internal initialization
</font><font color="#0000ff if</font> (!AfxWinInit(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow))
<font color="#0000ff goto</font> InitFailure;
<font color="#008000 // App global initializations (rare)
</font><font color="#0000ff if</font> (pApp != NULL && !pApp->InitApplication())
<font color="#0000ff goto</font> InitFailure;
<font color="#008000 // Perform specific initializations
</font><font color="#0000ff if</font> (!pThread->InitInstance()) <-- pThread is NULL
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I am converting my code from VS2005 to VS2008 on XP and everything was going okay until I tried to run it. Almost as soon as I try to run it, it crashes... "Unhandled exception as 0x78656641a (mfc90d.dll)...". I am not completely sure what the problem is. I have read in other forums that this could be caused from failure to link dlls. I ran Dependecny Walker and the only dll I was missing was dwmapi.dll. So I got it from another person and added it to the folder. Now the only message DW gives is
<b><font color="#ff0000" size=1> "Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module."</b></font>
Outside of DW (which I cant fix), I dont know what else could be wrong or if this is even the cause of my problems. Could someone please help?
<font color="#0000ff
int</font> AFXAPI AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance...)
ASSERT(hPrevInstance == NULL);
<font color="#0000ff int</font> nReturnCode = -1;
CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();
CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
<font color="#008000 // AFX internal initialization
</font><font color="#0000ff if</font> (!AfxWinInit(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow))
<font color="#0000ff goto</font> InitFailure;
<font color="#008000 // App global initializations (rare)
</font><font color="#0000ff if</font> (pApp != NULL && !pApp->InitApplication())
<font color="#0000ff goto</font> InitFailure;
<font color="#008000 // Perform specific initializations
</font><font color="#0000ff if</font> (!pThread->InitInstance()) <-- pThread is NULL
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