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Did you ever want to write a game with Silverlight for Windows Phone 7? Ryan Plemons, Sr Developer with http://www.terralever.com/ Terralever , shares his journey in optimizing the Silverlight based Zero Gravity game to work on Windows Phone 7. Ryan shares how he built the application using Isolated Storage, how he applied tombstoning, and many other topics on how he and his colleagues created the app. Ryan also shares some tips on how he improved performance for the application as he shows the simple code changes he made to make some big improvements. The code is free, the game is free ... dont miss this one! Relevant links: http://johnpapa.net/ Johns blog and on Twitter ( http://twitter.com/john_papa @john_papa ) http://digitaltransfusion.net Ryans blog and on Twitter ( http://twitter.com/ryanplemons @ryanplemons ) Link to the http://zerogravity.terralever.com Zero Gravity game http://digitaltransfusion.net/2010/09/19/zero-gravity-conquering-new-frontiers/ Source code Post describing what was involved in http://digitaltransfusion.net/2010/09/19/zero-gravity-moving-to-wp7/ transitioning to WP7 Follow us on Twitter <a title="Follow SilverlightTV at Twitter http://www.twitter.com/SilverlightTV @SilverlightTV or on the web at http://silverlight.tv/ http://silverlight.tv <img src="http://m.webtrends.com/dcs1wotjh10000w0irc493s0e_6x1g/njs.gif?dcssip=channel9.msdn.com&dcsuri=http://channel9.msdn.com/Feeds/RSS&WT.dl=0&WT.entryid=Entry:RSSView:dd3fa913a74a44cfa9149e7e014d43bc
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