EDN Admin
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Im having all sorts of difficulties getting my release build to link. I found several solutions to an issue with nafxcwd.lib and libcmtd.lib on the web. Ive tried just about everything with little luck. The one solution that gets me part way there is in this link but it only works for my debug build.<br/><br/> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/148652 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/148652 <br/><br/>It had me ignore some libraries in my linker settings as follows...<br/><br/>Ingored libraries: nafxcwd.lib;libcmtd.lib<br/>Additional Dependencies: nafxcwd.lib libcmtd.lib<br/><br/>I tried changing the order of the libraries in the release build every which way and didnt have any luck. It just spews out hundreds of linker errors when I build.<br/><br/>Any ideas?<br/>
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