EDN Admin
Well-known member
I can not see mto figure this out. I have a usercontrol using scriptmanager for some update panels. all I am trying to do is add a validator that calls a javascript alert if things are missing. see the code below. it does not throw an error but I can nto see m to get the alert to work. any ideas?<br/>
<pre lang="x-c# protected void BtnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((DdlLoanCalcState.SelectedIndex > 0) && ((DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedIndex > 0) || (DdlLoanCalcCity.SelectedIndex > 0)))
string cityCounty = "";
int countyID;
if (DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedIndex > 0)
cityCounty = DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedItem.Text + " County, ";
countyID = int.Parse(DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedValue);
cityCounty = DdlLoanCalcCity.SelectedItem.Text + ", ";
DataSet GetCounty = new DataSet();
GetCounty = LoanLimits.GetCountyByCity(int.Parse(DdlLoanCalcCity.SelectedValue));
countyID = int.Parse(GetCounty.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CountyID"].ToString());
DataSet GetLoanLimit = new DataSet();
GetLoanLimit = LoanLimits.GetLoanLimitByCounty(2010, countyID);
int loanLimit = int.Parse(GetLoanLimit.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LoanLimit"].ToString());
string totalDown = Regex.Replace(TxtDownPayment.Text, @"[^d.]*", "");
TxtDownPayment.Text = String.Format("{0:0.##}", totalDown);
string downPayementText = " with a down payment of " + decimal.Parse(TxtDownPayment.Text).ToString("C0");
if (TxtDownPayment.Text == "0")
downPayementText = " with no down payment";
int totalLoanLimit = ((int.Parse(TxtDownPayment.Text) * 4) + loanLimit);
if (totalLoanLimit < 0) { totalLoanLimit = 0; }
LblTotalLoan.Text = "The maximum VA loan amount for a property in " + cityCounty + DdlLoanCalcState.SelectedItem.Text + downPayementText + " is " + decimal.Parse(totalLoanLimit.ToString()).ToString("C0");
System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert(Your Message);", true);
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<pre lang="x-c# protected void BtnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((DdlLoanCalcState.SelectedIndex > 0) && ((DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedIndex > 0) || (DdlLoanCalcCity.SelectedIndex > 0)))
string cityCounty = "";
int countyID;
if (DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedIndex > 0)
cityCounty = DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedItem.Text + " County, ";
countyID = int.Parse(DdlLoanCalcCounty.SelectedValue);
cityCounty = DdlLoanCalcCity.SelectedItem.Text + ", ";
DataSet GetCounty = new DataSet();
GetCounty = LoanLimits.GetCountyByCity(int.Parse(DdlLoanCalcCity.SelectedValue));
countyID = int.Parse(GetCounty.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CountyID"].ToString());
DataSet GetLoanLimit = new DataSet();
GetLoanLimit = LoanLimits.GetLoanLimitByCounty(2010, countyID);
int loanLimit = int.Parse(GetLoanLimit.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LoanLimit"].ToString());
string totalDown = Regex.Replace(TxtDownPayment.Text, @"[^d.]*", "");
TxtDownPayment.Text = String.Format("{0:0.##}", totalDown);
string downPayementText = " with a down payment of " + decimal.Parse(TxtDownPayment.Text).ToString("C0");
if (TxtDownPayment.Text == "0")
downPayementText = " with no down payment";
int totalLoanLimit = ((int.Parse(TxtDownPayment.Text) * 4) + loanLimit);
if (totalLoanLimit < 0) { totalLoanLimit = 0; }
LblTotalLoan.Text = "The maximum VA loan amount for a property in " + cityCounty + DdlLoanCalcState.SelectedItem.Text + downPayementText + " is " + decimal.Parse(totalLoanLimit.ToString()).ToString("C0");
System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert(Your Message);", true);
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