EDN Admin
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Hi<br/> <br/> ¿ Anyone knows if theres a free .net control to view DWG/DXF Autocad files ? . (winform or wpf)<br/> Just to view the file (as you view a image). nothing else.<br/> <br/> i know theres some net controls like <br/> CadLib 3.5 DWG DXF .NET Library http://www.woutware.com/cadlib3.5.html<br/> but i dont wanna pay $380 for features i dont need. <br/> Autocad DWG Trueview with a lot features, but need 200mb <_< and my programs need like 1 mega <_< hehe<br/> <br/> i just wanna view/preview a file (inside a c# form) before i launch Autocad. like when you load a bmp or jpg file<br/> hope someone can help me.<br/> <br/> <br/> pd : i dont speak english =( so sorry if the text looks weird.
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