Invoice form in ms access vba (using dao)

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Design of the ms access form(single form) is

---------Upper Area--------[this should be inserted into invoice master
Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

---------lower Area--------[this should be inserted into invoice detail

Product   UnitPrice  UOM       Quantity
<font size=2> (combo)     (textbox)    (combo)   (textbox) <font color="#0000ff (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)</font> </font>

<font color="#0000ff (btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)</font>

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I dont know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development, with c# ,jsp,and little bit of coldfusion)

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