TechFest 2011: Facial Recognition in Videos

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
<span><span>Face recognition in video is an emerging technology that will have great impact on user experience in fields such as television, gaming, and communication. In the near future, a television or an Xbox will be able to recognize people in the living room, home video will be annotated automatically and become searchable, and TV watchers will be able to get information about an unfamiliar actor, athlete, or singer just by pointing to the person on the screen. Our research showcases the face-recognition technology developed by iLabs. Our technology includes novel algorithms in face detection, recognition, and tracking. The research demonstrates semi-automatic labeling of videos, a novel TV-watching experience using faces in a video as hyperlinks to get more information, and automatic recognition of the person in front of the television, Xbox, or computer. <span><span> Click here for a deeper dive and RIN (Rich Interactive Narrative) <img src="

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