Re: Kernel32.dll error
You do seem to let your systems get in to a bit of a state don't you.
Try running scandisk from Safe Mode.
> When I try to do System Restore, it give a message "System Restore
> cannot run until you restart the computer ......." Its still the same
> after rebooting.
An all too familiar error message.
First check whether you have a WININIT.INI file in your C:\WINDOWS folder.
If present rename it to something like wininit.old and try booting again.
If you don't have a copy of wininit.ini stopping you from using system
restore try the following.
Click Start | Run and enter in the box
and click OK. Note that the system will re-boot so don't have any
applications open when doing this. I suggest this because the same
message about restarting when trying to create a checkpoint is also
displayed when the registry has been corrupted in some way. scanreg /fix
attempts to repair that damage.
Please try the following quick test:
a) Create a shortcut on your desktop to a file (any file will do).
b) Create a manual checkpoint
Could you create a checkpoint?
c) Delete the shortcut you made at a)
d) Restore your PC to the checkpoint you b)
Was the shortcut restored? Did you see any error messages?
e) Reboot your PC
Was the checkpoint retained?
If the test fails please post back the full text of any and all error
messages seen and we can try taking it forward from there.
> When I try to install IE6, it will give a message " Set up was unable
> to install all the components.
Let's try one thing at a time please. If you've got an aborted or failed
IE6 install I'm not really that surprised that you are now having problems
using Internet Explorer. Once you've got scandisk sorted out and fixed
system restore we can hopefully move on to your other problems.
Mike Maltby
MS-MVP Windows
sharontango <> wrote:
> I cant exactly know how it happened as I have left this machine idle
> for a while since it gave me the downloading problem. Just that I was
> trying to resolve the issue now.
> I was trying to download an attachement from my Yahoo mail. For your
> info, just now when I was trying to defrag it, it tell me that there
> is some problem and that I need to scan first and repair my disk. It
> has been scanning for a while now and it does not seems to progress
> (as seen from the progress bar).
> When I try to install IE6, it will give a message " Set up was unable
> to install all the components. Please close all applications and try
> again." There is no other applicaitons open. I disable the anti virus
> and it still give me the same message.
> When I try to do System Restore, it give a message "System Restore
> cannot run until you restart the computer ......." Its still the same
> after rebooting.
> Its seems a lot to chew............thanks