EDN Admin
Well-known member
I have 3 projects in one solution. One projects is a C# assembly, Common. Another is a c# assembly, Forms. And the third is a managed C++ project, Main. Both Forms and Main reference Common. Because of this, I get the compile warning spammed hundreds of times, one per managed object:
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warning C4945: CSlideBar : cannot import symbol from c:toolkitmanagedcommonbindebugtoolkitdncsharp.dll: as ToolKit::Controls::CSlideBar has already been imported from another assembly toolkitDNCsharp
1> c:toolkitmanagedcommonbindebugtoolkitdncsharp.dll: see declaration of ToolKit::Controls::CSlideBar
1> first seen type is used; re-order imported assemblies to use the current type
The warning does not appear to be ignorable, and this URL does not have the answer ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/za5hhxx1.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/za5hhxx1.aspx )
This is Visual Studio 2008 SE.
Please help!
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Marshall Belew
View the full article
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warning C4945: CSlideBar : cannot import symbol from c:toolkitmanagedcommonbindebugtoolkitdncsharp.dll: as ToolKit::Controls::CSlideBar has already been imported from another assembly toolkitDNCsharp
1> c:toolkitmanagedcommonbindebugtoolkitdncsharp.dll: see declaration of ToolKit::Controls::CSlideBar
1> first seen type is used; re-order imported assemblies to use the current type
The warning does not appear to be ignorable, and this URL does not have the answer ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/za5hhxx1.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/za5hhxx1.aspx )
This is Visual Studio 2008 SE.
Please help!
<hr align=left width="25%" size=1>
Marshall Belew
View the full article