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I have a listview that contains all of the information of a complex object in multiple columns. This information is either going to be integer or string and can be sorted based on that. I want to be able to solve my two problems implementing
one solution using the least amount of memory and space, or at least finding a happy middle ground for the both. Since I will have several columns I was thinking of having several sets of data (representing each) in a sorted manner, and when performing
searches based on multiple columns simply joining that data together and keeping the ones that are present in each list being included in the search. Adding and removing are constantly going to be done on the list, searching will constantly be done,
and I will need fast lookups as I will have to update information as well.
Currently I am thinking of multidimensional hash tables that would give me fast lookups, collections of data satisfieing my criteria per column, I could easily join them myself.....but regarding numerical data I wont be able to keep information sorted and
get ranges which is a main searching feature. i.e. I have a hash with keys of numbers 1-10, each with corresponding unique string,index values (a hash of key value pair), and I want an easy way to get the range of 1-10 with its corresponding hashes
of elements. Is there any way to create some type of sorted hash wether numerical or lexigraphical based on keys or even values for that matter and work with ranges?
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one solution using the least amount of memory and space, or at least finding a happy middle ground for the both. Since I will have several columns I was thinking of having several sets of data (representing each) in a sorted manner, and when performing
searches based on multiple columns simply joining that data together and keeping the ones that are present in each list being included in the search. Adding and removing are constantly going to be done on the list, searching will constantly be done,
and I will need fast lookups as I will have to update information as well.
Currently I am thinking of multidimensional hash tables that would give me fast lookups, collections of data satisfieing my criteria per column, I could easily join them myself.....but regarding numerical data I wont be able to keep information sorted and
get ranges which is a main searching feature. i.e. I have a hash with keys of numbers 1-10, each with corresponding unique string,index values (a hash of key value pair), and I want an easy way to get the range of 1-10 with its corresponding hashes
of elements. Is there any way to create some type of sorted hash wether numerical or lexigraphical based on keys or even values for that matter and work with ranges?
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