EDN Admin
Well-known member
I am working on a xmldocument created from a dataset. During the debug mode, I see the following:<br/>
VS xml visualizer shows:<br/>
VS text visualizer shows:<br/>
My question is why the " and did not get replaced to " and '<br/>
If I want to create another xml file using the InnerXml of the xmlnode, should I replace the " and with entity reference?
Below is the code I have for the xmldocument generation:<br/>
Public Function WriteXMLDoc(ByRef htIndexes As Hashtable) As XmlDocument<br/>
Dim xmldoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument<br/>
Dim dataset As DataSet<br/>
Dim datatable As DataTable<br/>
If htIndexes.Count > 0 Then<br/>
Dim htEntry As DictionaryEntry<br/>
Dim memorystream As New MemoryStream<br/>
Dim streamreader As StreamReader<br/>
Dim colcounter As Integer = New Integer<br/>
datatable = New DataTable("BatchIndex")<br/>
For Each htEntry In htIndexes<br/>
datatable.Columns.Add(htEntry.Key.ToString, GetType(System.String))<br/>
datatable.Rows(0).Item(colcounter) = htEntry.Value.ToString<br/>
colcounter = colcounter + 1<br/>
dataset = New DataSet("BatchIndexes")<br/>
memorystream.Position = 0<br/>
streamreader = New StreamReader(memorystream)<br/>
Dim xmlstr As String = streamreader.ReadToEnd()<br/>
End If<br/>
Return xmldoc<br/>
End Function
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VS xml visualizer shows:<br/>
VS text visualizer shows:<br/>
My question is why the " and did not get replaced to " and '<br/>
If I want to create another xml file using the InnerXml of the xmlnode, should I replace the " and with entity reference?
Below is the code I have for the xmldocument generation:<br/>
Public Function WriteXMLDoc(ByRef htIndexes As Hashtable) As XmlDocument<br/>
Dim xmldoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument<br/>
Dim dataset As DataSet<br/>
Dim datatable As DataTable<br/>
If htIndexes.Count > 0 Then<br/>
Dim htEntry As DictionaryEntry<br/>
Dim memorystream As New MemoryStream<br/>
Dim streamreader As StreamReader<br/>
Dim colcounter As Integer = New Integer<br/>
datatable = New DataTable("BatchIndex")<br/>
For Each htEntry In htIndexes<br/>
datatable.Columns.Add(htEntry.Key.ToString, GetType(System.String))<br/>
datatable.Rows(0).Item(colcounter) = htEntry.Value.ToString<br/>
colcounter = colcounter + 1<br/>
dataset = New DataSet("BatchIndexes")<br/>
memorystream.Position = 0<br/>
streamreader = New StreamReader(memorystream)<br/>
Dim xmlstr As String = streamreader.ReadToEnd()<br/>
End If<br/>
Return xmldoc<br/>
End Function
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