Stream Video from network PC via webcam?

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
hey all,
Ive just recently kicked back into .NET...and I have a little project Im workin on that I need some help with:
I have a little Logitech USB Webcam that I have attached to a laptop and I want to be able to view a video stream from it. I already gathered it will need to be a client/server model...and I probably need to use TCP/IP and/or Winsock (if its still even used)...
..but I have no idea how to really approach this application as far as the video capture process? I dont have a need to really record video in any way so if i can just "preview" the video thats fine, although recording would be a neat bonus.
I read into the Windows Image Aquisition libraries and they seemed to be the right thing...but I wasnt so sure about the cross-network half of the equation.
Any suggestions at all? thanks for the help!
- Derek

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