Checking an array for isdigit question

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Is there an easier way to check an array for numeric input? What I have below works fine, but it looks messy.

<pre lang="x-cpp //Michael Markgraf
//4/12/11 C++
//Assignment 15 Structure

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void clearbuf();
//declares datatype as gloabal datatype
struct Student //create a data type Student
char cnum [5];
char cname [20];
float frate;
float fhours;

int main ()
int i, inum; //i increments loop inum for dynamic space allocation
char ctemp[6]; //temp array for hours and rate
float ftemp; //temp variable for gross

cout << "How many records do you want to enter: ";
if (!isdigit(ctemp[0]))
cout << endl << "ERROR - Input must be numeric!" << endl << endl;
}while (!isdigit(ctemp[0]));

inum = int(atoi(ctemp));
Student *stu = new Student[inum]; //student structure dynamically allocated

for (i=0; i<inum; i++)
cout << "Enter the employee ID number: "; //input emp num
cin.getline(stu.cnum, 5);
//This is the code im refering to
if (!isdigit(stu.cnum[0]) || !isdigit(stu.cnum[1]) || !isdigit(stu.cnum[2]) || !isdigit(stu.cnum[3]))
cout << endl << "ERROR - Input must be numeric!" << endl << endl;
}while (!isdigit(stu.cnum[0]) || !isdigit(stu.cnum[1]) || !isdigit(stu.cnum[2]) || !isdigit(stu.cnum[3]));
//The code between these comments
cout << "Enter the employee name: "; //input emp name
cin.getline(stu.cname, 20);

cout << "Enter the employee rate: "; //input emp pay rate
cin.getline(ctemp, 6);
stu.frate = float(atof(ctemp)); //converts crate string data to float

cout << "Enter the employee hours: "; //input emp hours
cin.getline(ctemp, 6);
stu.fhours = float(atof(ctemp)); //converts chours string data to float
cout << endl;
cout << " ID Name Rate Hours Gross Pay"<< endl;
cout << "************************************************************" << endl;

ftemp = 0; //assign value to variable

for (i=0; i<inum; i++)
//add gross to temp variable
ftemp = ftemp +(stu.frate* stu.fhours);
//loop output for each entry
cout << left << setw(6) << stu.cnum << setw(21) << stu.cname
<< setprecision(2) << fixed << right << setw(8) << stu.frate << right << setw(10)
<< stu.fhours << right << setw(15) << stu.frate* stu.fhours<< endl;

cout << setw(0) << endl;
//output total gross of all entries
cout <<"Total Gross Pay------------------------------ " << right << setw(14) << ftemp << endl;

delete [] stu; //release the space allocated with the "new" keyword
cout << endl << "Any Key...." << endl;
_getch ();
return 0;

void clearbuf()
if (!cin)
cin.clear(); //clear the error flag
cin.ignore(1000, n); //clear the input stream
cout << " too much data - excess ignored" << endl;

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