EDN Admin
Well-known member
Hi all.
I have source code with Serialize:
<div style="color:Black;background-color:White; <pre>
<span style="color:Green; // myObjectsList is CList object
CMemFile memFile;
CArchive ar( &memFile, CArchive::store );
<span style="color:Blue; long count = myObjectsList.GetCount();
ar << count;
POSITION pos = myObjectsList.GetHeadPosition();
<span style="color:Blue; while( pos != NULL )
MyObject* myObject = myObjectsList.GetNext( pos );
<span style="color:Blue; int nType = myObject->GetType();
ar << nType;
myObject->Serialize( ar );
<span style="color:Blue; return <span style="color:Blue; false;
CObject::Serialize( CArchive& ar );
<span style="color:Blue; if(ar.IsStoring())
ar << all my <span style="color:Blue; class variables
<span style="color:Blue; else
ar >> all my <span style="color:Blue; class variables
When I serialize a very big CList (3000-4000 objects) I have situation "No memory":
<div style="color:Black;background-color:White; <pre>
<span style="color:Green; // file ...Microsoft Visual Studio 8VCatlmfcsrcmfcfilemem.cpp
<span style="color:Blue; void CMemFile::GrowFile(SIZE_T dwNewLen)
<span style="color:Green; // allocate new buffer
BYTE* lpNew;
<span style="color:Blue; if (m_lpBuffer == NULL)
lpNew = Alloc(dwNewBufferSize);
<span style="color:Blue; else
lpNew = Realloc(m_lpBuffer, dwNewBufferSize);
<span style="color:Blue; if (lpNew == NULL)
But very often my block TRY...CATCH_ALL doesnt catch the exception after AfxThrowMemoryException();<br/>
For example: I run my code 3-4 times. For 2-3 tests my block TRY...CATCH_ALL catchs this exception, but for 1-2 cases the block didnt catch
Additional info:
1) I try build my code with keys /EHsc and /EHa too, but the issue was reproduced again
2) In debug mode I set breakpoint on AfxThrowMemoryException():
- for good test <span id="x_result_box" lang="en <span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод Call stack was<br/>
<pre>MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GrowFile(unsigned long dwNewLen=209735656) Line 153 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GetBufferPtr(unsigned int nCommand=1, unsigned int nCount=4096, void * * ppBufStart=0x0012ef4c, void * * ppBufMax=0x0012ef48) Line 385 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!CArchive::Write(const void * lpBuf=0x258c3438, unsigned int nMax=716) Line 512 + 0x2a bytes C++<br/>MyCode.dll!CArchive:perator<<<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > >(const ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > & str="Война и мир<br/><br/><br/>MyCode.dll!MyObject::SerializeMap(CArchive & ar={...}, CMap<unsigned long,unsigned long,CStringList *,CStringList * &> & map={...}) Line 175 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!MyObject::Serialize(CArchive & ar={...}) Line 261 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!MyObjectFactory:oSerialize(CList<CXObject *,CXObject *> & pObjects={...}, long & dwSize=0, unsigned char * & pBuf=0x00000000) Line 181 + 0x1c bytes C++<br/>[/code]
and after "Step Over" AfxThrowMemoryException() a programm <span id="x_result_box" lang="en
<span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод expands the stack to my catch section
<span lang="en <span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод - for issue case: I had call stack as in good test, but after
"Step Over" <span id="x_result_box" lang="en <span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод I
<span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод was again on AfxThrowMemoryException(). If I try call AfxThrowMemoryException() again then I had call stack
<pre>MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GrowFile(unsigned long dwNewLen=209735656) Line 153 C++
MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GetBufferPtr(unsigned int nCommand=1, unsigned int nCount=4096, void * * ppBufStart=0x0012ef4c, void * * ppBufMax=0x0012ef48) Line 385 C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::Flush() Line 557 + 0x2a bytes C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::Close() Line 360 C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::~CArchive() Line 314 C++
MyCode.dll!_CallSettingFrame(unsigned long funclet=1241000, unsigned long pRN=259, unsigned long dwInCode=1927035260) Line 73 Asm
MyCode.dll!__FrameUnwindToState(EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, int targetState=1) Line 1149 C++
MyCode.dll!CatchIt(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012e61c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012e63c, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, const _s_HandlerType * pCatch=0x0845c6f4, const _s_CatchableType * pConv=0x0844a424, const _s_TryBlockMapEntry * pEntry=0x0845c704, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char IsRethrow=0) Line 1259 + 0x17 bytes C++
MyCode.dll!FindHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012e61c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012e63c, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, unsigned char recursive=0, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000) Line 774 + 0x31 bytes C++
MyCode.dll!__InternalCxxFrameHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012e61c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012e63c, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char recursive=0) Line 524 + 0x25 bytes C++
MyCode.dll!__CxxFrameHandler3(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x7c9032a8, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012e61c, void * pContext=0x0012efa8, void * pDC=0x0012e63c) Line 365 + 0x1f bytes C++
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
MyCode.dll!_realloc_dbg(void * pUserData=0xe06d7363, unsigned int nNewSize=1, int nBlockUse=3, const char * szFileName=0x0012e990, int nLine=1239792) Line 973 + 0x1b bytes C++
MyCode.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject=0x0012e9ac, const _s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo=0x0844a3f4) Line 161 C++
MyCode.dll!AfxThrowMemoryException() Line 222 C++
MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GrowFile(unsigned long dwNewLen=209735656) Line 155 C++
MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GetBufferPtr(unsigned int nCommand=1, unsigned int nCount=4096, void * * ppBufStart=0x0012ef4c, void * * ppBufMax=0x0012ef48) Line 385 C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::Write(const void * lpBuf=0x258c3438, unsigned int nMax=716) Line 512 + 0x2a bytes C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive:perator<<<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > >(const ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > & str="Война и мир
MyCode.dll!MyObject::SerializeMap(CArchive & ar={...}, CMap<unsigned long,unsigned long,CStringList *,CStringList * &> & map={...}) Line 175 C++
MyCode.dll!MyObject::Serialize(CArchive & ar={...}) Line 261 C++
MyCode.dll!MyObjectFactory:oSerialize(CList<MyObject *,MyObject *> & pObjects={...}, long & dwSize=0, unsigned char * & pBuf=0x00000000) Line 181 + 0x1c bytes C++
I cant find the root cause: why try...catch section cant catch AfxThrowMemoryException() in the second case
View the full article
I have source code with Serialize:
<div style="color:Black;background-color:White; <pre>
<span style="color:Green; // myObjectsList is CList object
CMemFile memFile;
CArchive ar( &memFile, CArchive::store );
<span style="color:Blue; long count = myObjectsList.GetCount();
ar << count;
POSITION pos = myObjectsList.GetHeadPosition();
<span style="color:Blue; while( pos != NULL )
MyObject* myObject = myObjectsList.GetNext( pos );
<span style="color:Blue; int nType = myObject->GetType();
ar << nType;
myObject->Serialize( ar );
<span style="color:Blue; return <span style="color:Blue; false;
CObject::Serialize( CArchive& ar );
<span style="color:Blue; if(ar.IsStoring())
ar << all my <span style="color:Blue; class variables
<span style="color:Blue; else
ar >> all my <span style="color:Blue; class variables
When I serialize a very big CList (3000-4000 objects) I have situation "No memory":
<div style="color:Black;background-color:White; <pre>
<span style="color:Green; // file ...Microsoft Visual Studio 8VCatlmfcsrcmfcfilemem.cpp
<span style="color:Blue; void CMemFile::GrowFile(SIZE_T dwNewLen)
<span style="color:Green; // allocate new buffer
BYTE* lpNew;
<span style="color:Blue; if (m_lpBuffer == NULL)
lpNew = Alloc(dwNewBufferSize);
<span style="color:Blue; else
lpNew = Realloc(m_lpBuffer, dwNewBufferSize);
<span style="color:Blue; if (lpNew == NULL)
But very often my block TRY...CATCH_ALL doesnt catch the exception after AfxThrowMemoryException();<br/>
For example: I run my code 3-4 times. For 2-3 tests my block TRY...CATCH_ALL catchs this exception, but for 1-2 cases the block didnt catch
Additional info:
1) I try build my code with keys /EHsc and /EHa too, but the issue was reproduced again
2) In debug mode I set breakpoint on AfxThrowMemoryException():
- for good test <span id="x_result_box" lang="en <span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод Call stack was<br/>
<pre>MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GrowFile(unsigned long dwNewLen=209735656) Line 153 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GetBufferPtr(unsigned int nCommand=1, unsigned int nCount=4096, void * * ppBufStart=0x0012ef4c, void * * ppBufMax=0x0012ef48) Line 385 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!CArchive::Write(const void * lpBuf=0x258c3438, unsigned int nMax=716) Line 512 + 0x2a bytes C++<br/>MyCode.dll!CArchive:perator<<<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > >(const ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > & str="Война и мир<br/><br/><br/>MyCode.dll!MyObject::SerializeMap(CArchive & ar={...}, CMap<unsigned long,unsigned long,CStringList *,CStringList * &> & map={...}) Line 175 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!MyObject::Serialize(CArchive & ar={...}) Line 261 C++<br/>MyCode.dll!MyObjectFactory:oSerialize(CList<CXObject *,CXObject *> & pObjects={...}, long & dwSize=0, unsigned char * & pBuf=0x00000000) Line 181 + 0x1c bytes C++<br/>[/code]
and after "Step Over" AfxThrowMemoryException() a programm <span id="x_result_box" lang="en
<span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод expands the stack to my catch section
<span lang="en <span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод - for issue case: I had call stack as in good test, but after
"Step Over" <span id="x_result_box" lang="en <span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод I
<span title="Нажмите, чтобы увидеть альтернативный перевод was again on AfxThrowMemoryException(). If I try call AfxThrowMemoryException() again then I had call stack
<pre>MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GrowFile(unsigned long dwNewLen=209735656) Line 153 C++
MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GetBufferPtr(unsigned int nCommand=1, unsigned int nCount=4096, void * * ppBufStart=0x0012ef4c, void * * ppBufMax=0x0012ef48) Line 385 C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::Flush() Line 557 + 0x2a bytes C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::Close() Line 360 C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::~CArchive() Line 314 C++
MyCode.dll!_CallSettingFrame(unsigned long funclet=1241000, unsigned long pRN=259, unsigned long dwInCode=1927035260) Line 73 Asm
MyCode.dll!__FrameUnwindToState(EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, int targetState=1) Line 1149 C++
MyCode.dll!CatchIt(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012e61c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012e63c, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, const _s_HandlerType * pCatch=0x0845c6f4, const _s_CatchableType * pConv=0x0844a424, const _s_TryBlockMapEntry * pEntry=0x0845c704, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char IsRethrow=0) Line 1259 + 0x17 bytes C++
MyCode.dll!FindHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012e61c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012e63c, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, unsigned char recursive=0, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000) Line 774 + 0x31 bytes C++
MyCode.dll!__InternalCxxFrameHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012e61c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012efa8, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012e63c, void * pDC=0x0012e5f0, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x0845c738, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char recursive=0) Line 524 + 0x25 bytes C++
MyCode.dll!__CxxFrameHandler3(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x7c9032a8, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012e61c, void * pContext=0x0012efa8, void * pDC=0x0012e63c) Line 365 + 0x1f bytes C++
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
MyCode.dll!_realloc_dbg(void * pUserData=0xe06d7363, unsigned int nNewSize=1, int nBlockUse=3, const char * szFileName=0x0012e990, int nLine=1239792) Line 973 + 0x1b bytes C++
MyCode.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject=0x0012e9ac, const _s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo=0x0844a3f4) Line 161 C++
MyCode.dll!AfxThrowMemoryException() Line 222 C++
MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GrowFile(unsigned long dwNewLen=209735656) Line 155 C++
MyCode.dll!CMemFile::GetBufferPtr(unsigned int nCommand=1, unsigned int nCount=4096, void * * ppBufStart=0x0012ef4c, void * * ppBufMax=0x0012ef48) Line 385 C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive::Write(const void * lpBuf=0x258c3438, unsigned int nMax=716) Line 512 + 0x2a bytes C++
MyCode.dll!CArchive:perator<<<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > >(const ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > & str="Война и мир
MyCode.dll!MyObject::SerializeMap(CArchive & ar={...}, CMap<unsigned long,unsigned long,CStringList *,CStringList * &> & map={...}) Line 175 C++
MyCode.dll!MyObject::Serialize(CArchive & ar={...}) Line 261 C++
MyCode.dll!MyObjectFactory:oSerialize(CList<MyObject *,MyObject *> & pObjects={...}, long & dwSize=0, unsigned char * & pBuf=0x00000000) Line 181 + 0x1c bytes C++
I cant find the root cause: why try...catch section cant catch AfxThrowMemoryException() in the second case
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