VC++ unit testing

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have been trying to unit test a native C++ .exe project without success. If I make the project .lib everything works okay.<br/> I got the this quote from some forum:"<span>If your target project is a static library, everything is good at this point, just link it to the test project.If your target is not a static library, you have two choices.  Link the object files from the target project, or refractor your native project into two projects where one is a static library and the other is of the original type and just contains the entrypoint stubs. "<br/> My question is: is it all possible to test .exe and if possible how to link the object files ? What are the right settings in Properties ?<br/> <br/> br tapani<br/>

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