EDN Admin
Well-known member
Hello,<br/> <br/> I have a large panel with a lot of controls, mostly labels, textboxes and checkboxes but also some comboboxes. The panel can be quite big, it has autoscroll, so if needed a scrollbar appears. The users of the application tend to use the mousewheel to scroll through this large panel, but if a combobox is selected and the user scroll the mouse wheel he is scrolling in the combobox (and hereby change the selected item in the combobox), not in the panel. The comboboxes only have a few items 1-20 so there is no real need for a mouse wheel scroll in the combobox.<br/> <br/> So what Im trying to do is simply pass a scroll event on the combobox to the panel.<br/> <br/> Ive tried implementing my own MyComboBox control which inherits from Combobox. Ive overriden the OnMouseWheel function, as an empty function (to block the scrolling) but this does not seem to work. Debugging this is impossible because the event is generated in "External code" and after the return statement you go back to "External code". At that point the selected index of the combobox is not yet changed so "something" else happens in this "External code" as a result of the mousewheel anybody an idea?
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