Windows Security Updates for Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package KB2538242 not in

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
A Microsoft Support Professional has referred me to this site. First let me tell you that about the beginning of June when I signed into Windows XP a message came up and said it did not recognize my password and showed my computer name and then proceeded
to install Windows XP again. It was as if someone had taken over my computer.
Around the middle of June Windows Security Update sent an update for Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package KB2538242. Then the end of June I received a notice of several Windows Security updates.
On July 10, 2011 Riuken answered about this problem. It was suggested to De-install "Microsoft Visual 2005 C++ redistributable. On my Programs Add/Remove page I have three (3) programs of the "Microsoft Visual 2005C++ Redistributable".
Do I delete all of them?
I have read all the articles relating to this problem and ask for technical help at microsoft support. Nothing seems to help. I have tried manually installing to no avail. Windows updates tells me it has installed, but when I check the
%windir%KB2538242.log.... it cannot find it. When I went to the Microsoft download center the error code I got was "1714". I used the " vcredist_x64.exe" when I received this error code. Also, I have read the related topics
to this problem.

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