What is the best way to parse a Fix Protocol message in C# XML Schemata , xsd-compiler and undefined

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Hi, good morning.<br/>
Im trying to find a best way(with the best performance) to parse a Fix Protocol message.<br/>
Then I made some functions that return a value if I give a Fix Message and a Fix field. They work pretty well but I dont know if is the best way to do this.<br/>
See below:<br/>
<div style="color:Black;background-color:White; <pre>
<span style="color:Blue; using System;
<span style="color:Blue; using System.Collections.Generic;
<span style="color:Blue; using System.Linq;
<span style="color:Blue; using System.Text;


Hello everybody.

I have a bunch of XML files from which I want to generate XSD Schema files.

Consider I have one XMLschema starting with

<div style="color:black; background-color:white
<pre><span style="color:blue <<span style="color:#a31515 Schema <span style="color:red name<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue FDTDataTypesSchema<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red xmlns<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red xmlns:dt<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue >
<span style="color:blue <<span style="color:#a31515 AttributeType <span style="color:red name<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue nodeId<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red dt:type<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue id<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue />

and so on.
Now I have another XML schema where the type nodeId is referenced, which begins as follows:

<div style="color:black; background-color:white
<pre><span style="color:blue <<span style="color:#a31515 Schema <span style="color:red name<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue FDTHARTCommunicationSchema<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red xmlns<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red <br/> xmlns:dt<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red xmlns:fdt<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue x-schema:FDTDataTypesSchema.xml<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue >
<span style="color:blue <<span style="color:#a31515 ElementType <span style="color:red name<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue CommandResponse<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red content<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue empty<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red model<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue closed<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue >
<span style="color:blue <<span style="color:#a31515 attribute <span style="color:red type<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue fdt:nodeId<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red required<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue no<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue />
<span style="color:blue <<span style="color:#a31515 attribute <span style="color:red type<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue value<span style="color:black " <span style="color:red required<span style="color:blue =<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue yes<span style="color:black "<span style="color:blue />


Now for the problem: Although both files resist in the same directory, and the nodeId type is defined in the namespace "fdt", the xsd.exe utility complains with

<pre>C:develdocfdtv12XML-Files>xsd FDTHARTCommunicationSchema.xml
Microsoft (R) Xml Schemas/DataTypes support utility
[Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.1]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error: There was an error processing FDTHARTCommunicationSchema.xml.
- Undefined data type: fdt:nodeId.

If you would like more help, please type "xsd /?".[/code]

Does anybody have a clue, whats wrong here?



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