EDN Admin
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Hi all,<br/><br/>There are lot of drawings in my SDI application.when i scroll the window it flickers much.Can any one pls give me the easy way to handle the flickeing.I have created objects for each class(contains drawings such as rect,ellipse)in OnDraw.And my code to draw a PolyLine is as follows,<br/><br/>Calc_Line* objPline = new Calc_Line();<br/>objPline->Place_Line(667-posX,155-posY,675-posX,155-posY,675-posX,185-posY,667-posX,185-posY);//Function Calling<br/>//pDC in called function.<br/><br/>Here PosX,PosY are the positions of Scroll Point after scrolling,(Recalculating the points),Like this i have drawn all the drawings,Need ur assistance to stop flickering.<br/><br/>Thanking in advance,<br/>Shiva..
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