Mrs. Happy
"Unix is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every
six months."
~ Oscar Wilde on Unix
"Sure, Unix is a user-friendly operating system. It's just picky with whom
it chooses to be friends."
~ Some Guy on Unix
"UNIX is Not Unix"
~ Oscar Wilde }
The rights to the word 'Unix' have changed hands more times than you can
shake a stick at, reputedly starting with Alexander the Great. It is
estimated that by 2056, 50% of the Earth's population will have claimed
ownership to the word Unix at some point or other, and 80% will have been
sued for it.
It is reported that Unix tastes better while using a toilet.
As opposed to OS-oids, Unix is a Real Operating System (TM), which means
that it is not the product of a marketing company.
Unix is a clone of Linux, which is a clone of Windows, which are in the
house that Jack built.
Unix is first ever virus with command line interface, whereas Windows offers
at least a graphical interface.
Unix is illegal in Delaware, Texas, Montana, Peru, Ontario, and Antarctica.
Punishments for the use or possession of Unix or related Unix paraphernalia
can be as limp wristed as a face slap to as severe as execution by ants.
Unix is an OS that has had its GUI cut off at birth.
Unix gave a handjob to a manta ray.
SCO Unix can be used to travel trough time using the 'date' command.
If you type in " su rm -rf ~/*" (without quotes) in a UNIX command terminal,
the screen will splash orgasmic colours and open a special program to print
money and defeat the grue.
Linux® (IPA: ['???n?ks]), Linux Is Not UniX more commonly known as DorkWare
for Dweebs, is an operating system used mainly for cracking into animal
hospitals and online banking sites by 12-year-old social misfits desperate
to appear 1337 in front of other 12 year old social misfits. It is free as
in free beer, and is the only operating system which allows one to engage in
OS wars with people who use the same operating system, a feature which has
revolutionized Slashdot. It also puts a slash through every zero for to
distinguish it from n00bish operating systems without this feature.
It was created entirely by one amazing man, communist Linus Torvalds, and if
you don't believe that, just ask him. He'll tell you, but only if you
address him as "My Lord" or "Your Worship". And do not make the mistake of
mentioning SCO; he will kill you and bury you within the kernel (that's what
makes it so bloated).
six months."
~ Oscar Wilde on Unix
"Sure, Unix is a user-friendly operating system. It's just picky with whom
it chooses to be friends."
~ Some Guy on Unix
"UNIX is Not Unix"
~ Oscar Wilde }
The rights to the word 'Unix' have changed hands more times than you can
shake a stick at, reputedly starting with Alexander the Great. It is
estimated that by 2056, 50% of the Earth's population will have claimed
ownership to the word Unix at some point or other, and 80% will have been
sued for it.
It is reported that Unix tastes better while using a toilet.
As opposed to OS-oids, Unix is a Real Operating System (TM), which means
that it is not the product of a marketing company.
Unix is a clone of Linux, which is a clone of Windows, which are in the
house that Jack built.
Unix is first ever virus with command line interface, whereas Windows offers
at least a graphical interface.
Unix is illegal in Delaware, Texas, Montana, Peru, Ontario, and Antarctica.
Punishments for the use or possession of Unix or related Unix paraphernalia
can be as limp wristed as a face slap to as severe as execution by ants.
Unix is an OS that has had its GUI cut off at birth.
Unix gave a handjob to a manta ray.
SCO Unix can be used to travel trough time using the 'date' command.
If you type in " su rm -rf ~/*" (without quotes) in a UNIX command terminal,
the screen will splash orgasmic colours and open a special program to print
money and defeat the grue.
Linux® (IPA: ['???n?ks]), Linux Is Not UniX more commonly known as DorkWare
for Dweebs, is an operating system used mainly for cracking into animal
hospitals and online banking sites by 12-year-old social misfits desperate
to appear 1337 in front of other 12 year old social misfits. It is free as
in free beer, and is the only operating system which allows one to engage in
OS wars with people who use the same operating system, a feature which has
revolutionized Slashdot. It also puts a slash through every zero for to
distinguish it from n00bish operating systems without this feature.
It was created entirely by one amazing man, communist Linus Torvalds, and if
you don't believe that, just ask him. He'll tell you, but only if you
address him as "My Lord" or "Your Worship". And do not make the mistake of
mentioning SCO; he will kill you and bury you within the kernel (that's what
makes it so bloated).