EDN Admin
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vs2005 -vb
I have a combobox that gets its values from a call to the db. I have programatically added the list values for the box to match all the possible values that could be pulled from the DB. The user can update these values and update the db entry.
I would like to be able to display any entries from the db, however, there is one value on the list that I dont want the user to be able to change the comboboxs value to. Im hoping there is some way to to hide or .visible=false for just this one item when the list drops down so the user cant select that value.
The box sits in a datagridview. I realize I could use the cellbeginedit & cellendedit events to prevent this action, but I consider that to be a last resort, as I think not showing it on dropdown is preferable code-wise. Any suggestions? Thanks-
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I have a combobox that gets its values from a call to the db. I have programatically added the list values for the box to match all the possible values that could be pulled from the DB. The user can update these values and update the db entry.
I would like to be able to display any entries from the db, however, there is one value on the list that I dont want the user to be able to change the comboboxs value to. Im hoping there is some way to to hide or .visible=false for just this one item when the list drops down so the user cant select that value.
The box sits in a datagridview. I realize I could use the cellbeginedit & cellendedit events to prevent this action, but I consider that to be a last resort, as I think not showing it on dropdown is preferable code-wise. Any suggestions? Thanks-
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