EDN Admin
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What do you do when you have multiple computers on your desk but want to control them with just one keyboard and mouse? In the past Ive used http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KVM/IP KVMs , Ive used a http://www.opentip.com/Electronics-Computers/Lindy-Usb-Hub-Port-Usb-Mini-Hub-p-1970988.html little hub with http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/arc-mouse/ZJA-00001 Arc Mouse and http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/arc-keyboard/J5D-00001 Arc Keyboard dongles attached, and Ive tried some apps. Today I want to walk you through my new favorite new utility out of http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-20080542-75/microsoft-opens-garage-to-spark-innovation/ Microsofts Garage called http://blogs.technet.com/b/next/archive/2011/09/09/microsoft-garage-download-mouse-without-borders.aspx Mouse Without Borders . The application was a side project developed by Truong Do who works for Microsoft Dynamics and easily allows you to drag and drop files or even lock all screens together so you can log on to, or out of, many machines at once. Mouse Without Borders is a free application and you can give it a try by downloading it http://aka.ms/MouseWithOutBorders here . <img src="http://m.webtrends.com/dcs1wotjh10000w0irc493s0e_6x1g/njs.gif?dcssip=channel9.msdn.com&dcsuri=http://channel9.msdn.com/Feeds/RSS&WT.dl=0&WT.entryid=Entry:RSSView:88d1216e1a5447c4a0729f6a016b7932
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