Files not visible to Directory.GetFilesXML training - does anyone have any favorite (RECENT) books?

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
string mask = "AD*.pdf";<br/>
string path = @" file://\aserversomewhere \aserversomewhere ";<br/>
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, mask);<br/>
If I run this from different machines, I get different results (under same user id):<br/>
From A2003 (A win 2003 server) I get 21988.<br/>
From MyXP I get 21625.<br/>
From A64bit2008 I get 21625.<br/>
From A32bit2008 I get 21625.<br/>
So there are 363 files that are only visible from A2003. All those files are created in the last 2 days.<br/>
Why would such files not be visible elsewhere, but visible from A2003?<br/>
What can I do to make them visible from other machines where I run my software? Can I do it from my code?
Machine names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Thanks, <hr class="sig Jon Jacobs <br/>
On the roa

It appears that I need to suddenly and drastically upgrade my knowledge of XML, as well as XML-related Dot Net 4.0 programming techniques.
Would anyone care to recommend any favorite recently published books that have a heavy focus on both subjects?
(Either VB or C# will do, although I am more accustomed to VB.)

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