How do I get WriteXML to use a specific schema file?

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
First off, I am brand new to any kind of coding and have no formal training at all. My first program is referred to below and is a result of Googling for answers when I was finally able to figure out what the questions were. The question I am
about to ask is probably more about knowing what the question is than getting the exact answer, although the exact answer would be nice.
I have an app that gets data from a database using OledbDbAdapter. I am trying to get this data written to an xml file that I can use to populate PDF files that I am able to link using Adobe Designer. My code gathers the information and writes
the xml file as well as the xsd file but when I bind the PDF to the schema and try to fill it, there is nothing there. Comparing the xsd file to the xml shows some differences in the header which I think is the cause of the problem. I think the
question is "How do I get the XML Writer to include information that links the xml to the xsd when it is written". Please correct me if that is not the question.
Sorry for the length of the code but when I posted a question to the SQL forum when I was trying to get the SELECT string working, I got flamed for not giving enough information.
Again, I am trying to get the XML file to link, associate, reference, or whatever it is that they do with XSD files to get the dataset written to the XML in such a way that I can populate a PDF I have linked to the XSD. A little acronym madness there...
I am a complete NOOB so any and all constructive suggestions/criticisms are welcome.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
Here is the code along with the first lines of the xml and xsd files at the end. The 60,000 character limit prevented me from posting the entire files but if you need them, I can post them:

<pre>Imports System.Xml

Public Class Form1
Public custcovSQLString As String
Public drvSQLString As String
Public vehSQLString As String
Public covSQLString As String
Public RcdKey As String

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim custAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim custDataSet As New DataSet

Dim drvDataSet As DataSet
Dim drvAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

Dim vehDataSet As DataSet
Dim vehAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

Dim myCon As OleDb.OleDbConnection

myCon = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=C:UsersfalconDocumentsQuote1comp_2011_09_25.accdb")

Select the data from database Customer_info table and write to dataset and datatable
RcdKey = GetID()
custcovSQLString = MakecustcovSQLString()
custAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter((custcovSQLString), myCon)
custDataSet = New System.Data.DataSet()
custAdapter.FillSchema(custDataSet, SchemaType.Mapped)
Dim custTable As DataTable = custDataSet.Tables(0)

drvSQLString = MakedrvSQLString()
drvAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter((drvSQLString), myCon)
drvDataSet = New System.Data.DataSet()
drvAdapter.FillSchema(drvDataSet, SchemaType.Mapped)
Dim drvTable As DataTable = drvDataSet.Tables(0)

vehSQLString = MakevehSQLString()
vehAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter((vehSQLString), myCon)
vehDataSet = New System.Data.DataSet()
vehAdapter.FillSchema(vehDataSet, SchemaType.Mapped)
Dim vehTable As DataTable = vehDataSet.Tables(0)

Dim OutputDataSet As DataSet = custDataSet.Copy()
Dim filePath As String<br/> Here is my attempt at getting the xsd into the dataset<br/> filePath = "C:InsuranceP&CtemptestSchemaTable.xsd"

DataGridView1.DataSource = custDataSet.Tables(0)
DataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = True

DataGridView2.DataSource = drvDataSet.Tables(0)
DataGridView2.AutoGenerateColumns = True

DataGridView3.DataSource = vehDataSet.Tables(0)
DataGridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = True

Write to xml file
Dim o As Object = custTable.Rows.Item(0).Item("Legal_Name")

OutputDataSet.WriteXml("C:InsuranceP&CtemptestXMLDoc" + CStr(o) + ".xml")



End Sub

Public Function MakecustcovSQLString()

Dim custcovSQLString As String

custcovSQLString = ("" + "select * from [Customer_Info], [Coverage] Where Customer_Info.ID=" + (RcdKey) + _
" And Coverage.ID=" + (RcdKey) + "")

drvSQLString = ("" + "select * from [Drivers] Where Driver.ID=" + (RcdKey) + "")
Return drvSQLString
vehSQLString = ("" + "select * from [Vehicles] Where Vehicles.ID=" + (RcdKey) + "")
Return vehSQLString
Return custcovSQLString

End Function
Public Function MakedrvSQLString()

Dim drvSQLString As String
Enter Database ID

drvSQLString = ("" + "select * from [Drivers] Where ID=" + (RcdKey) + "")

drvSQLString = SQLString
Return drvSQLString

End Function
Public Function MakevehSQLString()

Dim vehSQLString As String
Enter Database ID

vehSQLString = ("" + "select * from [Vehicles] Where ID=" + (RcdKey) + "")

vehSQLString = SQLString
Return vehSQLString

End Function
Public Function MakecovSQLString()

Dim SQLString As String
Enter Database ID

SQLString = ("" + "select * from [Coverage] Where ID=" + (RcdKey) + "")

covSQLString = SQLString
Return covSQLString

End Function

Private Function GetID()
Dim RcdKey As String
Dim Message As String
Dim title As String
Dim defaultvalue As String

Message = "Enter ID"
title = "DataBase ID Number Input"
defaultvalue = "" Set default value.

Display message, title, and default value.
RcdKey = InputBox(CStr(Message), CStr(title), CStr(defaultvalue))
Return RcdKey
End Function<br/><br/> Here is the Schema File (SchemaTable.xsd):<br/><br/><br/><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><br/><xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata <br/> <xs:element name="dataroot <br/> <xs:complexType><br/> <xs:sequence><br/> <xs:element name="Customer_Info" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded <br/> <xs:complexType><br/> <xs:sequence><br/> <xs:element name="ID" type="xs:int" /><br/> <xs:element name="Date" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" /><br/> <xs:element name="Gender" minOccurs="0 <br/> <xs:simpleType><br/> <xs:restriction base="xs:string <br/> <xs:maxLength value="255" /><br/> </xs:restriction><br/> </xs:simpleType><br/> </xs:element><br/> <xs:element name="First" minOccurs="0 <br/> <br/><br/>And a sample resulting XML (XMLDocTERRY L. DAVIS.xml):<br/><br/><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><br/><NewDataSet><br/> <Table><br/> <Customer_Info.ID>431</Customer_Info.ID><br/> <Date>2011-06-30T00:00:00-05:00</Date><br/> <First>TERRY</First><br/> <Middle>L</Middle><br/> <Last>DAVIS</Last><br/> <DOB>7/26/1956</DOB><br/> <Legal_Name>TERRY L. DAVIS</Legal_Name><br/> <MC>753323</MC><br/> <DOT>2168549</DOT><br/> <Garage_Address>3411 ANDTREE BLVD</Garage_Address><br/> <Garage_City>AUSTIN</Garage_City><br/> <Garage_ST>TX</Garage_ST><br/> <Garage_ZIP>78724</Garage_ZIP><br/> <Garage_County>Travis</Garage_County><br/> <Mail_Address>3411 ANDTREE BLVD</Mail_Address><br/> <Mail_City>AUSTIN</Mail_City><br/> <Mail_ST>TX</Mail_ST><br/> <Mail_ZIP>78724</Mail_ZIP><br/> <Telephone>512 947 2123</Telephone><br/> <Commodities>Flatbed</Commodities><br/> <Radius>Unl</Radius><br/> <Notes>21 Days for FMCSA</Notes><br/> <Quote_Status>Lost Hallmark</Quote_Status><br/> <Common>false</Common><br/> <Contract>true</Contract><br/> <Leased>false</Leased><br/> <Private>false</Private><br/> <Sole_prop>false</Sole_prop><br/> <Partnership>false</Partnership><br/> <Corp>false</Corp><br/> <Individual>false</Individual><br/> <Coverage.ID>431</Coverage.ID><br/> <Liability>1000000</Liability><br/> <UM_UIM>yes</UM_UIM><br/> <UMPD>yes</UMPD><br/> <Collision>38000</Collision><br/> <Coll_Ded>1000</Coll_Ded><br/> <Comprehensive>38000</Comprehensive><br/> <Comp_Ded>1000</Comp_Ded><br/> <Cargo>100000</Cargo><br/> <Cargo_Ded>1000</Cargo_Ded><br/> <Gen_Liab_Charge>$1M/$1M</Gen_Liab_Charge><br/> </Table><br/> <br/>[/code]
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