How to build a Excel automation c# project in a machine where MS Office is not installed

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have a c# project that invokes an Excel Macro.
I create the excel application using the below code.
<span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small <font size="2" style="font-size:x-small
Excel.Application xlApp =
</font><span style="color:#0000ff; font-size:x-small <span style="color:#0000ff; font-size:x-small <span style="color:#0000ff; font-size:x-small <span style="color:#0000ff; font-size:x-small new<span style="font-size:x-small <span style="color:#000000
Excel.Application<span style="font-size:x-small ;

<span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small If I compile the project in machine where MS Office 2010 is installed, then I could reference Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library.

<span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small But In our build machine, we do not install MS Office 2010. In this case what should be my approach to build the project. We do not want to waste one license of MS Office 2010 by installing
it in Build machine as the machien is dedicated only for building our projects.
<span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small I tried installing Office2010 PIA. But I do not know how to reference this in my project.
<span style="font-size:x-small <span style="font-size:x-small Also I want to reference Office (Excel) dll in such a way that it should be build properly in both the machines where office is installed and office is not installed seamlessly without
any code change. <span style="font-size:x-small Is this possible? [We use VS2010.]
<span style="text-decoration:underline <span style="font-size:x-small Note:
<span style="font-size:x-small The machine where my application [64 bit] will run, would have MS Office installed for sure.


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