PBS_SMOOTH style in CProgressCtrl doesn't work

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Hello Colleagues!

Would you please advise how to resolve the following problem:

In my MFC application I created dinamycally CProgressCtrl with the style PBS_SMOOTH. But the conrtol still filled with blocks. It simply ignores PBS_SMOOTH option.

Then I created a simple project and  put on the form CProgressCtrl. In the Properties window I changed Smooth to TRUE. It does not work too. CProgressCtrl ignores smooth option.

Acoodring to MSDN:

<dt><b><a name="PBS_SMOOTH <b>PBS_SMOOTH</b> </b> 
<dd><b>Version 4.70</b> or later. The progress bar displays progress status in a smooth scrolling bar instead of the default segmented bar.
<div class=clsNote><b>Note</b>  This style is supported only in the Windows Classic theme. All other themes override this style.

<dl class=clsRef>
But I didnt change the default Windows theme. It is Classic.

I use VS 2008 and Windows XP SP2.

Thanks for any suggestions.</dl></dd>

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