EDN Admin
Well-known member
I am developing an application using MFC 4.2.<br/> <br/> The <span><span>LVS_EX_GRIDLINES style is not supported on this version of MFC so I need to subclass the CListCtrl class and draw it myself.<br/> <br/> What become problem is that I must draw the grid lines based on the item grouping like this:<br/> __________________________________<br/> | ID | Type | Category | Brand |<br/> ------------------------------------------------<br/> | ID1 | Car | Sports Car | Ferrari360|<br/> <span><span>| | | | Lamborgi | <br/> <span><span>| | | | Porsche25| <br/> <span><span>------------------------------------------------<br/> | | | Family Car | CorollaX |<br/> <span><span>| | | | CorollaY | <br/> ------------------------------------------------<br/> <span><span>| | Boat | Power Boat| BMW Boat |<br/> <span><span>| | | |Super Boat | <br/> -------------------------------------------------<br/> <span><span>| | | Cruise Boat| Cruise 1 |<br/> <span><span>| | | | Cruise 2 | <br/> -------------------------------------------------<br/> <br/> How to do that?<br/> <br/> Thank you very much.<br/>
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