Re: C:\Windows\Temp garbage files?
On 7/13/2007 6:12 PM On a whim, CB pounded out on the keyboard
> To Alias,
> Anybody who makes the statement "You won't have malware or virus issues with
> Linux" has his or her head up their ass. The same applies to any Apple OS.
> Both Linux and Apple operating systems have been attacked and/or infected by
> many malicious applications. Many of these malicious applications are now
> written specifically for the Linux and Apple operating systems. Some are
> written for Microsoft, Apple and Linux.
> If you are not aware of this I suggest you read the news sometime, or go to
> one of the many security websites that report these problems. You are not
> helping anyone by disseminating false information. I hope people aren't
> stupid enough to believe your statements. The majority of your statements and
> opinions are nothing but pure organic fertilizer.
> I think Apple has a very nice OS. However, most Linux operating systems,
> including Ubuntu, are mediocre at best. You get what you pay for, and yes, I
> have tried the different Linux operating systems. I wasn't impressed enough
> to keep them on my systems. I have two desktops and two laptops. I prefer to
> run XP Home on two of them, XP Professional on one and Vista on the other.
> People can choose to go first class and use Windows or Apple, or they can use
> Linux.
> I don't worry about security issues with Windows. I don't do stupid things
> with my computers. Therefore, I don't have malware problems. A little common
> sense goes a long way.
> Alias, you have your head so far up your ass I don't think you will ever be
> able to see daylight again. Did someone drop you on your head when you were a
> child? Of course, most people reading these Vista newsgroups recognize you
> for the whining, know nothing blowhard you are. My condolences to your wife
> and children, if you have any, for having to put up with your constant
> idiotic manner of thinking. Please give me the name of your psychiatrist so
> that I can tell others not to visit him or her. He or she has not done a good
> job of repairing your brain. Alias and fubar: the words are different but the
> meaning is the same. Please pardon my bluntness but "the truth shall set you
> free".
> Please subject me to one of your tirades. I haven't had a good laugh for a
> few days.
> Have a nice day.
> C.B.
Your last two paragraphs were unnecessary. And I doubt you even know
where your quote originally came from and the context in which it was
being said.
Terry R.
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