.NET 1.1 framework installed o.k.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fourdogs
  • Start date Start date


Like many others, my computer froze while trying to install this update. When the yellow update shield appears in my taskbar, I
close it and go to the windows update site and let it scan my computer to see which updates I need. I do it this way because I want
to see what it wants to update before I tell it OK. When it got to the .NET 1.1 update it froze and would not install the remaining
updates. I had to go out for several hours and when I returned and booted into Win XP the shield was there as before. This time, I
used the shield and the previously failed .Net and other updates installed correctly. Did anyone else get the .NET Framework,
Version 1.1 to install without going through the installing-uninstalling, registry changes, that I've been reading about here?



Molly - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=639838216101422490
Bonnie - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5764361314182089549&hl=en
RE: .NET 1.1 framework installed o.k.

I received the following message from Microsoft and followed the instructions
and resolved this same issue. Good luck! David

Thank you for contacting Microsoft Windows Update Support. My name is Paris,
and I'm glad to work with you. For your reference, the case ID for this
service request is SRX1039235322. You can contact me directly by sending an
email to v-30pard@mssupport.microsoft.com with the case ID in the subject

From the description, I understand that the Security Update for Microsoft
..NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366) failed to install after
several attempts. The other updates were installed successfully. If there has
been any misunderstanding, please let me know as soon as possible.

I understand the inconvenience you have experienced. Please be assured that
I will do my best to resolve the issue.

The issue can be caused by a damaged .NET Framework component. At this time,
let's refer to the following steps to troubleshoot this issue:

Step 1: Download Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp utility
1. Visit:
2. Save the file to your Desktop
3. Please double click the file msicuu2.exe on the Desktop to install this
tool on your computer.

Step 2: Remove .NET Framework 1.1
1. Click Start -> (All) Programs->Windows Installer Clean Up.
2. See if you can find .NET Framework software. If so, remove it.
3. Restart the computer and see if the issue still exists.

For more information, please refer to:
Title: Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
Link: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;290301

However, if any problem is encountered when trying to uninstall .NET
Framework 1.1, we can also refer to the following Knowledge Base article to
uninstall it manually.

After that, please restart the computer and perform the following
suggestions to reinstall .NET Framework 1.1 and the updates for it.

Step 3: Install .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable Package and .NET
Framework 1.1 SP1
1. Please download the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable
Package and the updates from the following link and save them to the C drive

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1

2. When the File Download window appears, please click the Save button, and
follow the directions to save it to Windows. After downloading the Microsoft
..NET Framework 1.1 setup file onto your computer, please double-click the
..NET Framework files to manually install them one by one.

If an error is encountered when installing .NET Framework 1.1, we can also
refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to troubleshoot this

How to troubleshoot Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 installation issues

However, if the issue persists, please capture a screenshot when an error
message is encountered:

How to capture a Screenshot:
1. When the error appears, please press the Print Screen key (PrtScn) on
your keyboard.
2. Click Start, click Run, type MSPAINT, and click OK.
3. In Paint, click Paste under the Edit Menu, click Save under the File
menu, type a file name for the screenshot, choose JPEG as "Save as type",
click "Desktop" on the left pane, and click Save.
4. Please find the screenshot on the Desktop and send it as an attachment
to: v-30pard@mssupport.microsoft.com .

Note: When attaching files to emails, the process will vary depending on the
email application being used. While you are composing the email, most
applications will provide you with either an "Attach" button or Paper Clip
Icon to click in order to attach a file. After clicking this button/icon you
must browse to the file you wish to attach and select it by either double
clicking it or clicking it once and then clicking on the "Attach" button.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please try the steps shown above and let me
know the results at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding this issue, please don't hesitate to tell me. It is my
pleasure to be of assistance.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best Regards,

Paris Duan
Microsoft Windows Update Support Professional

Satisfied customers are my #1 priority!
Please let either myself or my manager know what you think of the level of
service provided. You can send feedback directly to my manager, Susan Xu at

Windows Live OneCare: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4416252
Give your computer continuous antivirus and firewall protection, along with
regular tune-ups and back-ups to maintain its performance.

"Fourdogs" wrote:

> Like many others, my computer froze while trying to install this update. When the yellow update shield appears in my taskbar, I
> close it and go to the windows update site and let it scan my computer to see which updates I need. I do it this way because I want
> to see what it wants to update before I tell it OK. When it got to the .NET 1.1 update it froze and would not install the remaining
> updates. I had to go out for several hours and when I returned and booted into Win XP the shield was there as before. This time, I
> used the shield and the previously failed .Net and other updates installed correctly. Did anyone else get the .NET Framework,
> Version 1.1 to install without going through the installing-uninstalling, registry changes, that I've been reading about here?
> --
> regards,
> Fourdogs
> Molly - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=639838216101422490
> Bonnie - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5764361314182089549&hl=en
Re: .NET 1.1 framework installed o.k.

> ...Did anyone else get the .NET Framework,
> Version 1.1 to install without going through the installing-uninstalling,
> registry changes, that I've been reading about here?

Yes, on two machines.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin; DTS-L.org

Fourdogs wrote:
> Like many others, my computer froze while trying to install this update.
> When the yellow update shield appears in my taskbar, I close it and go to
> the windows update site and let it scan my computer to see which updates I
> need. I do it this way because I want to see what it wants to update
> before I tell it OK. When it got to the .NET 1.1 update it froze and
> would
> not install the remaining updates. I had to go out for several hours and
> when I returned and booted into Win XP the shield was there as before.
> This time, I used the shield and the previously failed .Net and other
> updates installed correctly. Did anyone else get the .NET Framework,
> Version 1.1 to install without going through the installing-uninstalling,
> registry changes, that I've been reading about here?
RE: .NET 1.1 framework installed o.k.

This worked!!!! For once microsoft came through with something that worked
for me try it ....

"Help Viewing Pages" wrote:

> I received the following message from Microsoft and followed the instructions
> and resolved this same issue. Good luck! David
> Thank you for contacting Microsoft Windows Update Support. My name is Paris,
> and I'm glad to work with you. For your reference, the case ID for this
> service request is SRX1039235322. You can contact me directly by sending an
> email to v-30pard@mssupport.microsoft.com with the case ID in the subject
> line.
> From the description, I understand that the Security Update for Microsoft
> .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366) failed to install after
> several attempts. The other updates were installed successfully. If there has
> been any misunderstanding, please let me know as soon as possible.
> I understand the inconvenience you have experienced. Please be assured that
> I will do my best to resolve the issue.
> The issue can be caused by a damaged .NET Framework component. At this time,
> let's refer to the following steps to troubleshoot this issue:
> Step 1: Download Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp utility
> ============================================
> 1. Visit:
> http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/9/D/E9D80355-7AB4-45B8-80E8-983A48D5E1BD/msicuu2.exe
> 2. Save the file to your Desktop
> 3. Please double click the file msicuu2.exe on the Desktop to install this
> tool on your computer.
> Step 2: Remove .NET Framework 1.1
> ========================
> 1. Click Start -> (All) Programs->Windows Installer Clean Up.
> 2. See if you can find .NET Framework software. If so, remove it.
> 3. Restart the computer and see if the issue still exists.
> For more information, please refer to:
> -----------
> Title: Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
> Link: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;290301
> However, if any problem is encountered when trying to uninstall .NET
> Framework 1.1, we can also refer to the following Knowledge Base article to
> uninstall it manually.
> http://support.microsoft.com/?id=320112
> After that, please restart the computer and perform the following
> suggestions to reinstall .NET Framework 1.1 and the updates for it.
> Step 3: Install .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable Package and .NET
> Framework 1.1 SP1
> =================================================================
> 1. Please download the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable
> Package and the updates from the following link and save them to the C drive
> (C:\)
> Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package
> http://download.microsoft.com/download/a/a/c/aac39226-8825-44ce-90e3-bf8203e74006/dotnetfx.exe
> Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
> http://download.microsoft.com/downl...-bdb8-c4e00af5b94b/NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe
> Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1
> (KB928366)
> http://www.download.windowsupdate.c..._20112ef50011e0de2c0e3378139245d81a178b15.exe
> 2. When the File Download window appears, please click the Save button, and
> follow the directions to save it to Windows. After downloading the Microsoft
> .NET Framework 1.1 setup file onto your computer, please double-click the
> .NET Framework files to manually install them one by one.
> If an error is encountered when installing .NET Framework 1.1, we can also
> refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to troubleshoot this
> issue:
> How to troubleshoot Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 installation issues
> http://support.microsoft.com/?id=824643
> However, if the issue persists, please capture a screenshot when an error
> message is encountered:
> How to capture a Screenshot:
> =======================
> 1. When the error appears, please press the Print Screen key (PrtScn) on
> your keyboard.
> 2. Click Start, click Run, type MSPAINT, and click OK.
> 3. In Paint, click Paste under the Edit Menu, click Save under the File
> menu, type a file name for the screenshot, choose JPEG as "Save as type",
> click "Desktop" on the left pane, and click Save.
> 4. Please find the screenshot on the Desktop and send it as an attachment
> to: v-30pard@mssupport.microsoft.com .
> Note: When attaching files to emails, the process will vary depending on the
> email application being used. While you are composing the email, most
> applications will provide you with either an "Attach" button or Paper Clip
> Icon to click in order to attach a file. After clicking this button/icon you
> must browse to the file you wish to attach and select it by either double
> clicking it or clicking it once and then clicking on the "Attach" button.
> Thank you for your cooperation. Please try the steps shown above and let me
> know the results at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or
> concerns regarding this issue, please don't hesitate to tell me. It is my
> pleasure to be of assistance.
> I am looking forward to your reply.
> Best Regards,
> Paris Duan
> v-30pard@mssupport.microsoft.com
> Microsoft Windows Update Support Professional
> Satisfied customers are my #1 priority!
> Please let either myself or my manager know what you think of the level of
> service provided. You can send feedback directly to my manager, Susan Xu at
> v-30sux@mssupport.microsoft.com.
> Windows Live OneCare: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4416252
> Give your computer continuous antivirus and firewall protection, along with
> regular tune-ups and back-ups to maintain its performance.
> "Fourdogs" wrote:
> > Like many others, my computer froze while trying to install this update. When the yellow update shield appears in my taskbar, I
> > close it and go to the windows update site and let it scan my computer to see which updates I need. I do it this way because I want
> > to see what it wants to update before I tell it OK. When it got to the .NET 1.1 update it froze and would not install the remaining
> > updates. I had to go out for several hours and when I returned and booted into Win XP the shield was there as before. This time, I
> > used the shield and the previously failed .Net and other updates installed correctly. Did anyone else get the .NET Framework,
> > Version 1.1 to install without going through the installing-uninstalling, registry changes, that I've been reading about here?
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > regards,
> > Fourdogs
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Molly - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=639838216101422490
> > Bonnie - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5764361314182089549&hl=en
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >