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You are at work, browsing Channel 9 and you see this great episode of Defrag has just been published on Channel 9… but you work in a cubicle and if you lean back and watch a 30 minute video, you’d probably get fired. What to do? You could email the link to yourself as a reminder to watch it later, but that’s so low tech… and what if you want to build up a list of videos to watch over an upcoming holiday? Or maybe you are about to have some elective surgery and would like to get through all 127 episodes of Ping! while you are on morphine? Never fear, there is a new feature on Channel 9 just for you… “My Queue” Below each video, if you are signed in, is a new button ‘+ queue’, which adds the video to a special list just for you! http://files.channel9.msdn.com/thumbnail/e33aa176-2c15-40e9-930e-9bd94cd071f9.png" rel="lightbox <img src="http://files.channel9.msdn.com/thumbnail/e33aa176-2c15-40e9-930e-9bd94cd071f9.png" alt=" Click the button and it changes to a little green arrow to show that you’ve put this into your queue, then jump over to your profile and you’ll see a new tab http://files.channel9.msdn.com/thumbnail/81bec102-01d5-4652-af18-48a1f47fa08e.png" rel="lightbox <img src="http://files.channel9.msdn.com/thumbnail/81bec102-01d5-4652-af18-48a1f47fa08e.png" alt=" You can re-order the items, remove them … see how much of a video you’ve watched (tracked across multiple machines, by the way) … and subscribe to your queue using a special private RSS feed (perfect for plugging into Zune and sync’ing with your phone or just pulling the files locally to watch in high def) Lots of items in your queue? Sort by show to see a handy list grouped by the show/series/blog/event http://files.channel9.msdn.com/thumbnail/c7fd868b-afb0-47cc-887f-e20b8d3c7b60.PNG" rel="lightbox <img src="http://files.channel9.msdn.com/thumbnail/c7fd868b-afb0-47cc-887f-e20b8d3c7b60.PNG" alt=" Let us know what you think and how you are planning to use this new feature! <img src="http://m.webtrends.com/dcs1wotjh10000w0irc493s0e_6x1g/njs.gif?dcssip=channel9.msdn.com&dcsuri=http://channel9.msdn.com/Feeds/RSS&WT.dl=0&WT.entryid=Entry:RSSView:7111425e7b334a61a6d99fce0001e180
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