STL11: Magic && Secrets

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
The C++ Standard Library expanded and evolved massively between C++98/03 and C++11. Its easy to forget the magnitude of these changes, because they happened gradually and sometimes invisibly. Some things (like shared_ptr, regex, and function) were developed in Boost in the early 2000s, before making their way into TR1 in 2005 and then C++11. Other things, like container move semantics, automatically improve programs without human intervention. Sometimes I can hardly believe that programmers used to live without non-intrusive deterministically reference-counted smart pointers! We are fortunate to live in such an advanced and enlightened age.

In this presentation, Ill explore how some of the C++11 Standard Librarys magic works, including how the Standardization Committee fixed pairs constructors (I bet you think that pair is the simplest type in the world - ha! wrong!) and how I saved a million zillion bytes of memory across all the programs using VC10+s make_shared<T>().

Oh, and I will also reveal a secret that has never been announced before. <img src="

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