patterm problem?

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Hi guys,<br/>
I need your help, I am using C++/CLI to code my program. I have got a problem with the regex pattern. I couldnt be able to extract the hyperlink from my php page while I find the matches pattern that I selected on the listview items.<br/>

<pre class="prettyprint
<var>private</var>: System::Void Button1_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {<br/><br/><br/>             <var>for</var> each (ListViewItem ^item in <var>this</var>->listView1->CheckedItems)<br/>             {<br/>                 <var>try</var><br/>                 {<br/>                     String ^URL1 = <kbd>"" </kbd>;<br/>                      HttpWebRequest ^request1 = safe_cast<HttpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create(URL1));<br/>                      HttpWebResponse ^response1 = safe_cast<HttpWebResponse^>(request1->GetResponse());<br/>                      StreamReader ^reader1 = gcnew StreamReader(response1->GetResponseStream());<br/>                      String ^str1 = reader1->ReadToEnd();<br/>                      String ^pattern1 = item->Text + <kbd>"(<p id=images>(.*?) )"</kbd>;<br/>                      MatchCollection ^matches1 = Regex::Matches(str1, pattern1);<br/>                      Match ^m1 = Regex::Match(str1, pattern1);<br/><br/><br/>                     <var>for</var> each (Match ^x1 in matches1)<br/>                     {<br/>                         array<String^> ^StrArr1 = x1->Value->ToString()->Split();<br/>                         String ^test = (URL1 + x1->Value->ToString());<br/>                         MessageBox::Show(test);<br/>                     }<br/>                 }<br/>                 <var>catch</var> (Exception ^ex)<br/>                 {<br/><br/>                 }<br/>             }<br/><br/>         }
I am definitely sure that the html tags has the correct tags name.<br/>
However, I have put the breakpoint in this line: <br/>

<pre class="prettyprint Match ^m1 = Regex::Match(str1, pattern1);[/code]
I can see the value for pattern1 so here it is:<br/>

<pre class="prettyprint "my strings 1<p id=images>(.*?) "[/code]
It have found the matches with the html tag, but it doesnt extract the id. So heres the html tags:<br/>

<pre class="prettyprint <p id="images images.php?id=1 Images [/code]
Do anyone know how I can extract the id in the images tags from the html source?<br/>
Any idea how I can do this?<br/>
Thanks in advance.

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