I need to create a pdf document from an html string?

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have created a print function in Sharepoint where I take all the needed info, create a string with a stringbuilder including the html and display in a new window for printing. The reason for this is to not print the whole screen but only the needed info.
Now, our client have a lot of users with different pcs and printers, screen resolutions etc and for some or other reason they do not know how to set the settings to landscape :) I cannot set the printer settings from javascript so to overcome this the IT
manager at our client suggested that we rather convert to pdf where we have a lot more functionality.
The problem with this, obviously is that .Net does not have anything on pdfs.
So what I have is that I need to take either the html string or build a new one without the html and create a pdf ducument with all the data.
Also, the pdf must not save, it must show in a new window for printing.
How can I overcome this problem?

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