EDN Admin
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Hello Everybody,<br/> <br/> Need help in resolving one issue. When i am launching one of my application, some times i am getting following error with a OK button, if i click OK, my application is getting terminated.<br/> <br/> Error is: <br/> <br/> Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library<br/> Runtime Error!<br/> <br/> Program: *************<br/> <br/> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.<br/> Please contact the applications support team for more information<br/> <br/> I have searched in entire code base of my product, found that this message "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.<br/> please contact the applications support team for more information" existing in "msvcr80.dll" and "msvcr80d.dll". I did not find the same message any where else.<br/> <br/> Please let me know why this error message appears and how to resolve this.<br/> <br/> -Hema<br/> <br/>
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