EDN Admin
Well-known member
I have written a windows form program using vb 2010. it generates work requests. It is installed on our server (server 2005)<br/>
it runs via a shortcut on the users PCs. I have 35 PCs using the program. On 8 of them I get a "Generic error occured in GDI+".
The program allows the user to make choices via combo boxes then when they click the submit button, the program saves a screenshot<br/>
of the form and saves it to two (2) different shared folders on the server. I have looked at the suggested GDI error posts but<br/>
cannot seem to find a solution. OH, some of the problematic PCs are running XP and Some Win 7 so I dont think its an operating
system problem as such. Could it be a runtime file not being installed? Or because I am saving the same file to two different
places in the same code block? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am including the "save" code below incase that<br/>
would help.
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(" file://server08/share/Shared \server08shareShared DocumentsRCsofts Maintenance Request GeneratorRequests") Then
Dim screenShot As New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim gfxScreenShot As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenShot)
gfxScreenShot.CopyFromScreen(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y, 0, 0, Me.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
screenShot.Save(" file://server08/share/Saved \server08shareSaved ReportsRCsofts Maintenance Request GeneratorRequests" + TextBox5.Text + ".jpeg")
screenShot.Save(" file://server08/share/Shared \server08shareShared DocumentsRCsofts Maintenance Request GeneratorRequests" + TextBox5.Text + ".jpeg") <hr class="sig Randy
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it runs via a shortcut on the users PCs. I have 35 PCs using the program. On 8 of them I get a "Generic error occured in GDI+".
The program allows the user to make choices via combo boxes then when they click the submit button, the program saves a screenshot<br/>
of the form and saves it to two (2) different shared folders on the server. I have looked at the suggested GDI error posts but<br/>
cannot seem to find a solution. OH, some of the problematic PCs are running XP and Some Win 7 so I dont think its an operating
system problem as such. Could it be a runtime file not being installed? Or because I am saving the same file to two different
places in the same code block? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am including the "save" code below incase that<br/>
would help.
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(" file://server08/share/Shared \server08shareShared DocumentsRCsofts Maintenance Request GeneratorRequests") Then
Dim screenShot As New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim gfxScreenShot As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenShot)
gfxScreenShot.CopyFromScreen(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y, 0, 0, Me.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
screenShot.Save(" file://server08/share/Saved \server08shareSaved ReportsRCsofts Maintenance Request GeneratorRequests" + TextBox5.Text + ".jpeg")
screenShot.Save(" file://server08/share/Shared \server08shareShared DocumentsRCsofts Maintenance Request GeneratorRequests" + TextBox5.Text + ".jpeg") <hr class="sig Randy
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