EDN Admin
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Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, if not, please advise where to move this thread...
Is it possible to change th location where the ViewState is placed on the page?
Here is an excerpt from this page (<a title="http://www.scarlettech.com/viewstatesearchengineoptimization.htm http://www.scarlettech.com/viewstatesearchengineoptimization.htm http://www.scarlettech.com/viewstatesearchengineoptimization.htm )
<p class=MsoNormal style="text-align:justify <span style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial Some search engines only read a certain set of characters from the top (thats why you have most SEO specialists mentioning that you should have your keywords on the top of the page) and the bottom of the page. If the value of the hidden field of _VIEWSTATE is long on your page then these search engines would not be able to get to the actual content of your page as a result it would never map the keywords (keywords density) and you would have a low ranking on these search engines.
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Is it possible to change th location where the ViewState is placed on the page?
Here is an excerpt from this page (<a title="http://www.scarlettech.com/viewstatesearchengineoptimization.htm http://www.scarlettech.com/viewstatesearchengineoptimization.htm http://www.scarlettech.com/viewstatesearchengineoptimization.htm )
<p class=MsoNormal style="text-align:justify <span style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial Some search engines only read a certain set of characters from the top (thats why you have most SEO specialists mentioning that you should have your keywords on the top of the page) and the bottom of the page. If the value of the hidden field of _VIEWSTATE is long on your page then these search engines would not be able to get to the actual content of your page as a result it would never map the keywords (keywords density) and you would have a low ranking on these search engines.
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