Windows Vista Security Settings?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vanessa Tripodi
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Vanessa Tripodi

I need to know how to change the security settings on my computer to allow
PDF files to be opened. I'm not sure what is blocking the files and therefore
don't want to change random things incase I let in things I don't want.

The problem I have is that when I try to open some PDF files - from email
newsletter 'read more' links or evewn bus timetables for example - the file
will open as blank, say that it is 'Done' and then freeze so that I have to
Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close it.

Does anyone know how to allow these types of files as I know it is either
the security setting on Windows 2007 or Vista as these files open on my other
(older)computer but not on this new one! Thanks.
Re: Windows Vista Security Settings?

"Vanessa Tripodi" <Vanessa> wrote in
>I need to know how to change the security settings on my computer to allow
> PDF files to be opened. I'm not sure what is blocking the files and
> therefore
> don't want to change random things incase I let in things I don't want.
> The problem I have is that when I try to open some PDF files - from email
> newsletter 'read more' links or evewn bus timetables for example - the
> file
> will open as blank, say that it is 'Done' and then freeze so that I have
> to
> Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close it.
> Does anyone know how to allow these types of files as I know it is either
> the security setting on Windows 2007 or Vista as these files open on my
> other
> (older)computer but not on this new one! Thanks.

Have you checked this? You have a file that came from another computer, it
doesn't matter if it's downloaded from the Internet or in an email. Don't
hold me to it for all folders, but at least if the file winds up in the
Document folder, you have to go to the file with Explore, right-click the
file, go to Properties, and use the Unblock button on the file. You can try
saving that file in the email to the Documents folder and than see if you
have to *Unblock* it. I know that was a problem with me at one point and
Vista that the opening of the file such as a PDF file in an email was being

Just for kicks, you can go to your Documents folder for an existing file and
see if you see that Unblock button.

Re: Windows Vista Security Settings?

Thank you for your reply Mr Arnold but your suggestions don't really help.
For one I can't see where the 'unblock' section is in any files I already
have on my computer, and secondly the problems I am having opening files are
with files which don't give you the option to download first, you are simply
clicking to view a file uploaded to a website for example. So I'm still stuck
if anyone knows how to help me out?

"Mr. Arnold" wrote:

> "Vanessa Tripodi" <Vanessa> wrote in
> message
> >I need to know how to change the security settings on my computer to allow
> > PDF files to be opened. I'm not sure what is blocking the files and
> > therefore
> > don't want to change random things incase I let in things I don't want.
> >
> > The problem I have is that when I try to open some PDF files - from email
> > newsletter 'read more' links or evewn bus timetables for example - the
> > file
> > will open as blank, say that it is 'Done' and then freeze so that I have
> > to
> > Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close it.
> >
> > Does anyone know how to allow these types of files as I know it is either
> > the security setting on Windows 2007 or Vista as these files open on my
> > other
> > (older)computer but not on this new one! Thanks.

> Have you checked this? You have a file that came from another computer, it
> doesn't matter if it's downloaded from the Internet or in an email. Don't
> hold me to it for all folders, but at least if the file winds up in the
> Document folder, you have to go to the file with Explore, right-click the
> file, go to Properties, and use the Unblock button on the file. You can try
> saving that file in the email to the Documents folder and than see if you
> have to *Unblock* it. I know that was a problem with me at one point and
> Vista that the opening of the file such as a PDF file in an email was being
> blocked.
> Just for kicks, you can go to your Documents folder for an existing file and
> see if you see that Unblock button.
Re: Windows Vista Security Settings?

"Vanessa Tripodi" <> wrote in
> Thank you for your reply Mr Arnold but your suggestions don't really help.
> For one I can't see where the 'unblock' section is in any files I already
> have on my computer, and secondly the problems I am having opening files
> are
> with files which don't give you the option to download first, you are
> simply
> clicking to view a file uploaded to a website for example. So I'm still
> stuck
> if anyone knows how to help me out?

Vista may be viewing the file as a threat. And if it were to somehow to get
saved to the hard drive, that button would be there for any file that was
not directly created on your computer by you. Every file I have gotten from
another computer has that button, no matter what file type it is, when I
downloaded it or did a SaveAs.

I don't remember what I was doing, but a something was not opening in a
email or from the Internet that I viewed as being safe. It wouldn't even
open when I downloaded to the hard drive. For some reason, I right-clicked
the file and saw the Unblock button, and DA! DA! I could open it.

And are you telling me that whatever email client program you are using that
you cannot right-click that file in the email and do a SaveAs, which will
save the file to the hard drive?

What email client program are you using? Are you running on the computer
with Admin rights.
Re: Windows Vista Security Settings?

Vanessa Tripodi wrote:
> I need to know how to change the security settings on my computer to allow
> PDF files to be opened. I'm not sure what is blocking the files and therefore
> don't want to change random things incase I let in things I don't want.

Why do you think that it's Vista's security settings that are causing
the problems?

> The problem I have is that when I try to open some PDF files - from email
> newsletter 'read more' links or evewn bus timetables for example - the file
> will open as blank, say that it is 'Done' and then freeze so that I have to
> Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close it.
> Does anyone know how to allow these types of files as I know it is either
> the security setting on Windows 2007 or Vista as these files open on my other
> (older)computer but not on this new one! Thanks.

From your description, I'd conclude that you may not have a compatible
viewer installed, or the files are damaged. What specific application
are you using to view PDF files, and do you have the same problems with
all pdf files, or just a select few?


Bruce Chambers

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~ Denis Diderot
RE: Windows Vista Security Settings?

"Vanessa Tripodi" wrote:

> I need to know how to change the security settings on my computer to allow
> PDF files to be opened. I'm not sure what is blocking the files and therefore
> don't want to change random things incase I let in things I don't want.
> The problem I have is that when I try to open some PDF files - from email
> newsletter 'read more' links or evewn bus timetables for example - the file
> will open as blank, say that it is 'Done' and then freeze so that I have to
> Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close it.
> Does anyone know how to allow these types of files as I know it is either
> the security setting on Windows 2007 or Vista as these files open on my other
> (older)computer but not on this new one! Thanks.