To get the current time zone information from XP using Windows registry across all variants of windo

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
<font color=navy size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:navy;font-size:9pt Problem Statement: To get the current time zone information from XP using Windows registry across all variants of windows (Meaning all languages like German, Spanish etc since the timezone information keys are also localized for these languages and don’t have a common key across them).</font>
<font color=navy size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:navy;font-size:9pt  </font><font color=navy size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:navy;font-size:9pt Implementation Description: </font><font color=blue size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:blue;font-size:9pt We are using the English version of TimeZone Standard Name from the key “Std” from the Hive:</font>
<font color=blue size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:blue;font-size:9pt HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionTime Zones<TimeZoneXX> as Unique identifier of Windows TimeZones across all Variants of Windows to Map them for our Client.</font>
<font color=blue size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:blue;font-size:9pt  </font><font color=blue size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:blue;font-size:9pt But for Spanish/German or any other Localized version of Windows these entries seem to get localized too, leading to mapping failure because of these Names getting translated into the local language.</font>
<font color=blue size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:blue;font-size:9pt  </font><font color=blue size=1 face="Trebuchet MS <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:blue;font-size:9pt How do we solve this? We need a unique identifier for TimeZones across all Windows Variants.</font>

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