Want Help System.speech.recognition Application

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
So let me get this straight System.speech.recognition class and its members like events and objects and properties are not very straightforward people need to research in google for hours to make some cool application

I am not a hardcore programmer but i have programmed in vb.net many times i am 16 and i am preparing a software for this years Software Display Competition(Or at least planning to)
I want to use system.speech namespace and also i would just generally want to know the difference between SAPI and System.speech and which would be better for me considering the fact i want to target windows 7 and vista , Before i tell you what i am planning
to make let me tell you
I am using Windows 8 Consumers preview(Just for fun) I have visual basic 2010 express edition installed I have Windows SDK 7.1 installed

So now here is what i need help for Basically i want to create an application which will be like Siri But a Siri which you create on your own means

Its like reminder Lets say You want a reminder for your birthday(just for fun) So you can create a question Hey when is my birthday and you can input your answer yourself and then save it and then whenever in future you ask that question that app will respnd
with answer you saved in
Thats the problem How do i save the grammar which is dependant on user How do i save users question and answer so that next time he asks that question (via speech recognition) app answers it (via speech synthesis) its pretty confusing cause so far i have
only seen simple examples like theres a form and 3 conditions red blue and green so user is limited to say on of these which results in changing of background color of that form But i want it dynamic like i described earlier

Thanks for any help

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