Close One Form & After That, Open Another

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Hi Everybody

As the subject indicate, I have many forms thus I want to (by an event) close the active form and after that, go the next desired form.

For instance, imagine that we have two form: First form, is Login Form and second Form, is the Main Form. When a user enter his/her correct Username & Password, this form must Close and the Main Form must expose to the user.

The problem is this. I dont know how I must do it. I myself all times, Hide the First Form and after that Show the Second Form to the user but its wrong because of many reasons like: First and the main is that it has conflict with OOP,In addition if the project contain many Forms by big Databases, this cause it slow down and many more reasons.

So please help me.

...Thank you...

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