EDN Admin
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i have a class named IBuffer in my library named ICore.DLL.
i use this class inside another DLL named INet.DLL.
the purpose of IBuffer is to provide me a mechanism to read and write into a buffer. inside of INet.dll i have classes to send and recieve data to/from network and also serializing and deserializing messages that must be send on the network.
my problem with IBuffer is that whenever this class goes to be destroyed i try to free dynamically allocated memory by calling free api but i got a message indicate me that this buffer is not a valid heap pointer.<br/>
IBuffer cunstructor :
<pre class="prettyprint" style=" IBuffer::IBuffer( size_t sz )
: currPosition(0), ptrSet(false) ,_buffer(NULL),_size(0),cleanedUp(false)
if (sz >0)
if((_buffer = (uint8_t*)calloc(sz,sizeof(uint8_t))) == NULL)
std::cout<<"Error in allocating memory for buffern";
allocated = sz;
IBuffer Destructor :
<pre class="prettyprint" style=" IBuffer::~IBuffer(void)
/*_size = 0;
if (cleanedUp)// if before destructor user cleared buffer this flag is true
std::cout<<"Ibuffer Freed n";
use of this class inside INet.dll
<pre class="prettyprint" style=" SendMessage(Message msg)
SharedPtr<Utils::IBuffer> buff = SharedPtr<IBuffer>(new IBuffer(len));
} // when leave this function destructor of IBuffer causes this error : Debug Assertion failed.[/code]
these two library linked correctly and have same compiler and build settings.
why destroying IBuffer causes invalid heap pointer here?
i have a class named IBuffer in my library named ICore.DLL.
i use this class inside another DLL named INet.DLL.
the purpose of IBuffer is to provide me a mechanism to read and write into a buffer. inside of INet.dll i have classes to send and recieve data to/from network and also serializing and deserializing messages that must be send on the network.
my problem with IBuffer is that whenever this class goes to be destroyed i try to free dynamically allocated memory by calling free api but i got a message indicate me that this buffer is not a valid heap pointer.<br/>
IBuffer cunstructor :
<pre class="prettyprint" style=" IBuffer::IBuffer( size_t sz )
: currPosition(0), ptrSet(false) ,_buffer(NULL),_size(0),cleanedUp(false)
if (sz >0)
if((_buffer = (uint8_t*)calloc(sz,sizeof(uint8_t))) == NULL)
std::cout<<"Error in allocating memory for buffern";
allocated = sz;
IBuffer Destructor :
<pre class="prettyprint" style=" IBuffer::~IBuffer(void)
/*_size = 0;
if (cleanedUp)// if before destructor user cleared buffer this flag is true
std::cout<<"Ibuffer Freed n";
use of this class inside INet.dll
<pre class="prettyprint" style=" SendMessage(Message msg)
SharedPtr<Utils::IBuffer> buff = SharedPtr<IBuffer>(new IBuffer(len));
} // when leave this function destructor of IBuffer causes this error : Debug Assertion failed.[/code]
these two library linked correctly and have same compiler and build settings.
why destroying IBuffer causes invalid heap pointer here?
msvcr100d.dll!__free_dbg_nolock() + 0x141 bytes <br/>
msvcr100d.dll!__free_dbg() + 0x50 bytes <br/>
msvcr100d.dll!_free() + 0x10 bytes <br/>
> ICore.dll!Utils::IBuffer::~IBuffer() Line 45 + 0xf bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Utils::IBuffer::`scalar deleting destructor() + 0x2e bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Object::checked_delete<Utils::IBuffer>(Utils::IBuffer * x=0x00897ba0) Line 36 + 0x2b bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Object::checked_deleter<Utils::IBuffer>::operator()(Utils::IBuffer * x=0x00897ba0) Line 47 + 0x9 bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Object::sp_counted_base_impl<Utils::IBuffer *,Object::checked_deleter<Utils::IBuffer> >::dispose() Line 198 C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Object::sp_counted_base::release() Line 127 + 0xf bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Object::shared_count::~shared_count() Line 252 C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!Object::SharedPtr<Utils::IBuffer>::~SharedPtr<Utils::IBuffer>() + 0x2e bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!IRNetwork::IStun::SendUnReliably(IRNetwork::IStunMessage * message=0x00897068) Line 247 + 0x1b bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!IRNetwork::IStun::SendBind() Line 61 + 0xc bytes C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!IRNetwork::IStun::Bind(unsigned int localfd=180) Line 48 C++<br/>
IRNet.dll!IRNetwork::INatContext::StunBind(unsigned int fd=180) Line 52 + 0xc bytes C++<br/>
testDhcpv4.exe!TestStunAttribute::Start() Line 48 + 0x24 bytes C++<br/>
testDhcpv4.exe!wmain(int argc=1, wchar_t * * argv=0x00894800) Line 70 C++<br/>
testDhcpv4.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 552 + 0x19 bytes C<br/>
testDhcpv4.exe!wmainCRTStartup() Line 371 C<br/>
kernel32.dll!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12() + 0x12 bytes <br/>
ntdll.dll!___RtlUserThreadStart@8() + 0x27 bytes <br/>
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8() + 0x1b bytes
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