EDN Admin
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I am trying to load an XML at xml document and it gives the error
ata at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
string xmlData = "C:\Users\Trial.xml";<br/>
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();<br/>
The xml is well formed.
DO I need to add any namespage etc to the xml?
This is the structure of my XML:
<ns0:fullRecord xmlns:ns0=" http://env.com/R1I2 http://env.com/R1I2 <br/>
<FullName>JACKSON,MICHAEL</FullName> <br/>
<LName>JACKSON</LName> <br/>
<FName>MICHAEL</FName> <br/>
<MName>SMITH</MName> <br/>
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string xmlData = "C:\Users\Trial.xml";<br/>
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();<br/>
The xml is well formed.
DO I need to add any namespage etc to the xml?
This is the structure of my XML:
<ns0:fullRecord xmlns:ns0=" http://env.com/R1I2 http://env.com/R1I2 <br/>
<FullName>JACKSON,MICHAEL</FullName> <br/>
<LName>JACKSON</LName> <br/>
<FName>MICHAEL</FName> <br/>
<MName>SMITH</MName> <br/>
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