EDN Admin
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Hello all, I have been trying to call a function in C++ DLL from VB6.0 but its not working as suppose. It do generate an error message saying "Run-time error 49: Bad DLL calling convention".
The work/function of this DLL is to Create a new voice-log which mixes audio(conversation) of various users connected to my VoIP software into a MP3 file.
Below are my codes, Please go through it and help. <br/>
Thanks in advance.
For VoiceLog.h(C/C++ Header)
<pre class="prettyprint // The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make exporting
// from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the VOICELOG_EXPORTS
// symbol defined on the command line. this symbol should not be defined on any project
// that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see
// VOICELOG_API functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols
// defined with this macro as being exported.
#define VOICELOG_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define VOICELOG_API __declspec(dllimport)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/// Create a new voice-log which mixes audio into a MP3 file.
/// @param szTempDir The directory to store temporary files (.wav files)
/// @param szMP3FileName The output path of the MP3 file, e.g.
/// C:conversation.mp3
/// @param nSecFlushInterval The number of seconds between each time
/// the temporary .wav files are mixed and encoded into MP3-format.
/// @see VL_CloseVoiceLog
IN LPCSTR szMP3FileName,
IN INT32 nSecFlushInterval);
/// Close the voice-log and finish encoding into the MP3 file.
/// @param bAbort Abort the voice-log and skip final encoding to
/// the MP3 file.
/// @see VL_CreateVoiceLog
/// Check if voice-logging is currently active.
/// Add audio data to the voice-log. Make sure to add the audio
/// data to the voice-log when the person is actually starting
/// to talk since the time of when the audio is added is used as
/// offset. When the person is finished talking call VL_EndStream(.)
/// so the voice-logger knows the person has stopped talking. If
/// VL_EndStream(.) is not called the voice-logger will think the
/// person is constantly talking without pauses.
/// @param nStreamID The ID of the stream, e.g. the users ID.
/// @param nSampleRate The sample rate of the stream being added
/// @param lpStreamData The audio buffer of raw audio data.
/// @param nSampleCount The number of samples in the audio buffer.
/// @see VL_EndStream
IN INT32 nSampleRate,
IN CONST SHORT* lpStreamData,
IN INT32 nSampleCount);
/// Stop writing to a specific stream since the person is no longer
/// talking.
/// @param nStreamID The ID of the stream, e.g. the users ID.
/// @see VL_AddStreamData
#ifdef __cplusplus
Calling the function from VB this was what I did. <br/>
I placed the code below in the general declaration
<pre class="prettyprint lang-vb Option Explicit
Private Declare Function VL_CreateVoiceLog Lib "VoiceLog.dll" (ByVal szTempDir As String, ByVal szMP3FileName As String, ByVal nSecFlushInterval As Integer) As Long[/code]
I placed the code below in a commandbox; say CmdRecordConversation. This method "Receive callbacks of audio which has been played" and it will invoke an event.
<pre class="prettyprint Private Sub CmdRecordConversation_Click()
End Sub[/code]
Below is the code in the event and this is where I get error message.
<pre class="prettyprint lang-vb Private Sub evoclient1_OnUserAudioData(ByVal nUserID As Long, ByVal nSampleRate As Long, pRawAudio() As Integer, ByVal nSamples As Long)
Dim szTempDir, szMP3FileName As String
Dim FileCountExist As Long
Dim nSecFlushInterval As Integer
nSecFlushInterval = 10
szTempDir = GetSetting(App.EXEName, App.EXEName, "Default Path") & ""
FileCountExist = filecount(szTempDir) + 1
szMP3FileName = szTempDir & "Conversation.mp3"
If FExists(szMP3FileName) Then
szMP3FileName = szTempDir & "Conversation_" & FileCountExist & ".mp3"
Start creating mp3 file
VL_CreateVoiceLog szTempDir, szMP3FileName, nSecFlushInterval
VL_CreateVoiceLog szTempDir, szMP3FileName, nSecFlushInterval
End If
End Sub
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The work/function of this DLL is to Create a new voice-log which mixes audio(conversation) of various users connected to my VoIP software into a MP3 file.
Below are my codes, Please go through it and help. <br/>
Thanks in advance.
For VoiceLog.h(C/C++ Header)
<pre class="prettyprint // The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make exporting
// from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the VOICELOG_EXPORTS
// symbol defined on the command line. this symbol should not be defined on any project
// that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see
// VOICELOG_API functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols
// defined with this macro as being exported.
#define VOICELOG_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define VOICELOG_API __declspec(dllimport)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/// Create a new voice-log which mixes audio into a MP3 file.
/// @param szTempDir The directory to store temporary files (.wav files)
/// @param szMP3FileName The output path of the MP3 file, e.g.
/// C:conversation.mp3
/// @param nSecFlushInterval The number of seconds between each time
/// the temporary .wav files are mixed and encoded into MP3-format.
/// @see VL_CloseVoiceLog
IN LPCSTR szMP3FileName,
IN INT32 nSecFlushInterval);
/// Close the voice-log and finish encoding into the MP3 file.
/// @param bAbort Abort the voice-log and skip final encoding to
/// the MP3 file.
/// @see VL_CreateVoiceLog
/// Check if voice-logging is currently active.
/// Add audio data to the voice-log. Make sure to add the audio
/// data to the voice-log when the person is actually starting
/// to talk since the time of when the audio is added is used as
/// offset. When the person is finished talking call VL_EndStream(.)
/// so the voice-logger knows the person has stopped talking. If
/// VL_EndStream(.) is not called the voice-logger will think the
/// person is constantly talking without pauses.
/// @param nStreamID The ID of the stream, e.g. the users ID.
/// @param nSampleRate The sample rate of the stream being added
/// @param lpStreamData The audio buffer of raw audio data.
/// @param nSampleCount The number of samples in the audio buffer.
/// @see VL_EndStream
IN INT32 nSampleRate,
IN CONST SHORT* lpStreamData,
IN INT32 nSampleCount);
/// Stop writing to a specific stream since the person is no longer
/// talking.
/// @param nStreamID The ID of the stream, e.g. the users ID.
/// @see VL_AddStreamData
#ifdef __cplusplus
Calling the function from VB this was what I did. <br/>
I placed the code below in the general declaration
<pre class="prettyprint lang-vb Option Explicit
Private Declare Function VL_CreateVoiceLog Lib "VoiceLog.dll" (ByVal szTempDir As String, ByVal szMP3FileName As String, ByVal nSecFlushInterval As Integer) As Long[/code]
I placed the code below in a commandbox; say CmdRecordConversation. This method "Receive callbacks of audio which has been played" and it will invoke an event.
<pre class="prettyprint Private Sub CmdRecordConversation_Click()
End Sub[/code]
Below is the code in the event and this is where I get error message.
<pre class="prettyprint lang-vb Private Sub evoclient1_OnUserAudioData(ByVal nUserID As Long, ByVal nSampleRate As Long, pRawAudio() As Integer, ByVal nSamples As Long)
Dim szTempDir, szMP3FileName As String
Dim FileCountExist As Long
Dim nSecFlushInterval As Integer
nSecFlushInterval = 10
szTempDir = GetSetting(App.EXEName, App.EXEName, "Default Path") & ""
FileCountExist = filecount(szTempDir) + 1
szMP3FileName = szTempDir & "Conversation.mp3"
If FExists(szMP3FileName) Then
szMP3FileName = szTempDir & "Conversation_" & FileCountExist & ".mp3"
Start creating mp3 file
VL_CreateVoiceLog szTempDir, szMP3FileName, nSecFlushInterval
VL_CreateVoiceLog szTempDir, szMP3FileName, nSecFlushInterval
End If
End Sub
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