Access Denied to HKLM/SOFTWARE

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
While I did use C#, this is not the correct Forum Category - because I couldnt find the right one in the list. Please move to where it needs to be

My problem is that (very recently) I am getting an access denied error on this line of code:
<pre class="prettyprint RegistryKey myKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", true);[/code]
The application containing this line of code has been in use for months, without issue. This code is used in the self update feature of the application to change a flag showing that its a new version, and to display the "Whats New" page on next load
(after update is applied). The downside here is that because the code is a part of the self update - I cant release an update patch to fix the error (because it cant self update). Kind of a catch 22...
Anyways, the real question here is were there any updates or patches released recently for Windows XP that could have changed access to HKLM/Software?
We have already checked our environment - GPO, EPO, etc, and were unable to find any policies that were changed recently that could have caused this. Im beginning to think our solution will be to use GPO to allow permission back to this registry key.
However, what I find interesting, is that as far as I can tell, permission to this key has not changed. Effective permissions to the final key (HKLM/Software/DTE) show that the generic logon ID for the machine have permissions... yet it gets access
If you can think of any other reason this might be happening, please let me know and Ill test it. Like I said - this has been working for months. I released an update yesterday, which is when we noticed the issue.

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