EDN Admin
Well-known member
<span style=" im trying to retrive a file name from a website source using Regex.Match i have something similiar to retrive the page title:
<pre class="prettyprint string title = Regex.Match(f, @"<titleb[^>]*>s*(?<Title>[sS]*?)</title>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["Title"].Value;[/code]
<p style=" f string is redirecting to my page..
<p style=" so what i need is: retrive the file name from this source:
<pre class="prettyprint <br> <b>Download:</b> 24 hours<br><b>Time Left for Download:</b> <span id=cd> Click on the file name to begin download. <div class=linkbox> http://site.com/file/y8Qi2Bw8SXPX/51423 blabla.pdf <a id="facebookbtn-link" title="send to Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://site.com/product/komM8k" onclick="return popup(this)" ><img src="http://site/img/facebook.png" alt="Facebook" />Post on Facebook [/code]
<p style=" <span style=" i need to retrive the blabla.pdf the problem is, the page always updating the file names, so it wont be the same name everytime.
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<pre class="prettyprint string title = Regex.Match(f, @"<titleb[^>]*>s*(?<Title>[sS]*?)</title>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["Title"].Value;[/code]
<p style=" f string is redirecting to my page..
<p style=" so what i need is: retrive the file name from this source:
<pre class="prettyprint <br> <b>Download:</b> 24 hours<br><b>Time Left for Download:</b> <span id=cd> Click on the file name to begin download. <div class=linkbox> http://site.com/file/y8Qi2Bw8SXPX/51423 blabla.pdf <a id="facebookbtn-link" title="send to Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://site.com/product/komM8k" onclick="return popup(this)" ><img src="http://site/img/facebook.png" alt="Facebook" />Post on Facebook [/code]
<p style=" <span style=" i need to retrive the blabla.pdf the problem is, the page always updating the file names, so it wont be the same name everytime.
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