The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have been trying to use libraries from the scripting language Octave inside a Visual C++ program. I posted to their mailing lists, but received no response. So, heres the issue. I can compile my program successfully, but running the program results in the error message:

"The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application."

I understand it is unlikely to find anyone who knows much about Octave so I will try  to fill you in as much as possible. This is where you can go to download the software if you are interested in it:

As stated, Im trying to compile code while using the library created by code used by Octave. In this case, Im trying to use what is called a .mex file. .Mex files are c++ code which can be called by Octave and also have the capability to call other Octave functions. They are compiled with a command mkoctfile --mex, which in turn calls the associated compiler. Instructions for setting up the compiler were found here:

Anyway, I created a sample program to try to link to. It follows her (addLib.cpp):<span class=ul-threaded style="margin:1em 0pt 0pt -20px <span class=connect><span id=li1 class=li-threaded><span class=threaded><span style="position:static;border-left-width:3px" class="no-bg-color post-border post-middle <span id=post18878959 style="display:block <span class=ul-threaded style="margin:1em 0pt 0pt -20px <span class=connect><span id=li1 class=li-threaded><span class=threaded><span style="position:static;border-left-width:3px" class="no-bg-color post-border post-middle <span id=post18878959 style="display:block _________________________________________________________________________

#include "mex.h"

#include <iostream>

class addLib {




        double add(double* v1, double* v2);

        void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]);


addLib::addLib() {}

void addLib::mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

        double *a, *b;

        a = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

        b = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);


        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL); // Works

        double* result = (double*) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

        result[0] = add(a,b);


double addLib::add(double* v1, double* v2) {

        return v1[0] + v2[0];



Using Tatsuros guide I had previously set up a compiler that was able to compile this code. Anyway, compilation went through and was entirely
successful. I can run addLib from Octave without a problem and debug it
as well.

Unfortunately, the next step was more of a problem.

I created a c++ file called incl in a project called inclMex.


#include "C:Documents and SettingsbkirklinSVNtrunkoctaveSRCaddLib.cpp"

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {




        double *a, *b, *res;

        addLib *ab = new addLib();

        a[0] = 1;

        b[0] = 1;


        return 0;



After adding several paths to the linker into Octaves inerds,
I was able to get this to compile without a fault detected. Then I
began receiving errors when running the program. At first it complained
about not being able to find the Octave dlls. So I copied them all into
the same location as my .exe. Then it complained about windows dlls. So
I copied all of those. Heres the resulting collection of files located
in my debug directory:


[.]                           libjasper-1.dll

[..]                          libjpeg-62.dll

ATL80.dll                     liblapack.dll

cruft.dll                     libMagick++-10.dll

gluegen-rt.dll                libMagick-10.dll

inclMex.exe                   libncurses-5.dll

inclMex.exp                   libnetcdf-4.dll

inclMex.ilk                   libpango-1.0-0.dll

inclMex.lib                   libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll

inclMex.pdb                   libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll

jogl.dll                      libpcre-0.dll

jogl_awt.dll                  libpng13.dll

jogl_cg.dll                   libportaudio-2.dll

libarpack.dll                 libreadline-5.dll

libblas.dll                   libtiff.dll

libbz2.dll                    libwmflite-0-2-7.dll

libcairo-2.dll                libxml2-2.dll

libcurl.dll                   mfc80.dll

libfftw3-3.dll                mfc80u.dll

libfreetype-6.dll             mfcm80.dll

libgd-2.dll                   mfcm80u.dll

libglib-2.0-0.dll             Microsoft.VC80.ATL.manifest

libglpk-0.dll                 Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest

libgmodule-2.0-0.dll          Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest

libgobject-2.0-0.dll          msvcm80.dll

libgsl-0.dll                  msvcp80.dll

libgslcblas-0.dll             msvcr80.dll

libgthread-2.0-0.dll          octave.dll

libhdf5-0.dll                 octinterp.dll

libiconv-2.dll                zlib1.dll



Well, that effectively took care of all of the errors reflecting anything specific. The next

error said this: (appears 2xs)

"The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click Ok to terminate the aplication."

Further research led me to believe that this was the result of
either more missing dlls or a bad manifest file somewhere. Im not
sure, however, which manifest file is missing where or similarly which
dll. Im using Microsoft Visual Studios 2005 and the version of Octave
compiled with Microsoft Visual Studios 2005.

This page here seemed it might be of use, but did not result in any improvement:

../thread/eb134e02-5d32-44ae-aa26-c106c082c72a/" rel=nofollow>

page seemed relevant as well, and seems to confirm my diagnoses of the
problem, but does not appear to have a solution to help me:

As a side note, I tried to use an existing package, OctaveEmbedded, for similar reasons, (" rel=nofollow> )
from Octave forge. I added its
files to my project and recieved the same error code after removing the
bit about addLib. So this problem appears to be of wider scope and just
what I was trying to do.

Its understandable if no one here has experience with octave or a solution as this isnt a microsoft product, but the failure seems to be one that occasionally crops for many different users who are doing similar things to myself. So anyway, any ideas or thoughts?

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