EDN Admin
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Im developing a PC application at work that must talk ethernet to an embedded system that has static IP This embedded system expects my host PC to have static IP My PC application must:<br/> <br/> 1. Change from DHCP to static IP when the program first starts up.<br/> 2. Communicate via ethernet to the embedded system (send and receive miscellaneous messages).<br/> 3. Change back to DHCP when the program ends.<br/> <br/> I have some closely related code that I borrowed from another project. This code has functions to get the PC IP address, add another IP address to the network adapters IP list, and send/receive ethernet messages. And these functions work very well. So, I guess the only thing I need is to develop a function that will change the PC back and forth between DHCP and static IP.<br/> <br/> I do not want to use netsh, or any other such utility. I want to do this programatically.<br/> <br/> Im using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition. My host PC is running Windows XP (with Service Pack 2). It has a single network adapter named "Local Area Connection".<br/> <br/> At the expense of being very verbose, Ive included the source code Ive borrowed from another project (it appears below), in case this will help you help me. There are 3 functions:<br/> <br/> 1. ethernetIfGetMyIPAddress (gets the IP address of the current PC).<br/> 2. ethernetIfAddIpToPC (adds an IP address to the network adapters IP list).<br/> 3. ethernetIfCleanUp (deletes the IP address that was added).<br/> <br/> Thanks in advance.<br/> <br/> <br/> DCA_API int ethernetIfGetMyIPAddress(int hostIndex, char *theAddr)<br/> {<br/> static hostent *pHostEnt = NULL;<br/> static char szHostName[128] = {NULL};<br/> char tempNo[4];<br/> int j;<br/> unsigned int anOctet;<br/> int rtnStatus = EI_SUCCESS;<br/> <br/> /*<br/> * Initialize the returned IP address to a NULL string.<br/> */<br/> *theAddr = NULL;<br/> <br/> if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,2), &WSAData) != 0)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_WSAStartup_FAIL;<br/> <br/> /*<br/> * Always update the host entry table. This is required for the simple fact<br/> * that the host computer will be connected/disconnected from the Eternet in<br/> * a dynamic environment. If the host entry table will reflect the current<br/> * state of the IP address. An address of indicates that the host<br/> * PC is not attached and the default loopback IP address is returned.<br/> */<br/> else if (gethostname(szHostName, 128) != 0)<br/> {<br/> rtnStatus = EI_HOSTNAME_UNAVAIL;<br/> }<br/> <br/> else if ((pHostEnt = gethostbyname(szHostName)) == NULL)<br/> {<br/> rtnStatus = EI_HOSTENTRY_UNAVAIL;<br/> }<br/> <br/> /*<br/> * Assuming that only one adapter is attached... the last<br/> * adapter in the list "pHostEnt->h_addr_list" is assumed to be the<br/> * desired adapter utilized for reprogramming.<br/> */<br/> else if ((pHostEnt != NULL) &&<br/> (pHostEnt->h_addr_list[hostIndex] != NULL))<br/> {<br/> for (j=0; j<pHostEnt->h_length; j++)<br/> {<br/> /*<br/> * Build the string defining the IP address of the first<br/> * adapter.<br/> */<br/> if (j>0)<br/> strcat(theAddr,".");<br/> <br/> anOctet = (unsigned int)(unsigned char)<br/> (pHostEnt->h_addr_list[hostIndex][j]);<br/> sprintf(tempNo,<br/> "%i",<br/> anOctet);<br/> strcat(theAddr, tempNo);<br/> }<br/> <br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("ethernetIfGetMyIPAddress reported IP of %srn",<br/> theAddr);<br/> }<br/> <br/> /*<br/> * Return a string with nothing in it to indicate the selected adapter<br/> * index does not exist.<br/> */<br/> else<br/> {<br/> rtnStatus = EI_HOSTENTRY_NOT_FOUND;<br/> }<br/> <br/> reportStatus("ethernetIfGetMyIPAddress",rtnStatus);<br/> <br/> return rtnStatus;<br/> <br/> } /* ethernetIfGetMyIPAddress */<br/> <br/> DCA_API int ethernetIfAddIpToPC(char *szPCIP)<br/> {<br/> // IP and mask we will be adding<br/> UINT iaIPAddress;<br/> UINT imIPMask;<br/> <br/> int rtnStatus = EI_SUCCESS;<br/> DWORD index;<br/> DWORD dwRetVal;<br/> DWORD dwSize = 0;<br/> <br/> // if (initComplete != TRUE)<br/> //{<br/> // rtnStatus = EI_INITERROR;<br/> // reportStatus("ethernetIfAddIpToPC",rtnStatus);<br/> // return rtnStatus;<br/> //}<br/> <br/> // Before calling AddIPAddress we use GetIpAddrTable to get<br/> // an adapter to which we can add the IP.<br/> PMIB_IPADDRTABLE pIPAddrTable;<br/> <br/> // Format the IP address from a character string to an IP address value.<br/> iaIPAddress = inet_addr(szPCIP);<br/> imIPMask = inet_addr(""); // Always<br/> <br/> pIPAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE*) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IPADDRTABLE));<br/> <br/> // Make an initial call to GetIpAddrTable to get the<br/> // necessary size into the dwSize variable<br/> if (GetIpAddrTable(pIPAddrTable, &dwSize, 0) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)<br/> {<br/> free( pIPAddrTable );<br/> pIPAddrTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *) malloc ( dwSize );<br/> }<br/> <br/> // Make a second call to GetIpAddrTable to get the<br/> // actual data we want and check for a duplicate IP address.<br/> if ( (dwRetVal = GetIpAddrTable( pIPAddrTable, &dwSize, 0 )) == NO_ERROR )<br/> {<br/> for (index=0;index<pIPAddrTable->dwNumEntries;index++)<br/> {<br/> if (pIPAddrTable->table[index].dwAddr == iaIPAddress)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_DUPIP;<br/> }<br/> }<br/> <br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_INVALIDPARAMETER;<br/> <br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_UNSUPPRTEDOS;<br/> <br/> else<br/> {<br/> LPVOID lpMsgBuf;<br/> <br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("Error getting IP address, error = %d (0x%08X).n",<br/> dwRetVal,dwRetVal);<br/> <br/> if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |<br/> FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |<br/> FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,<br/> NULL,<br/> dwRetVal,<br/> MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language<br/> (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,<br/> 0,<br/> NULL ))<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("tError: %s", lpMsgBuf);<br/> }<br/> <br/> else<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("FormatMessage1 returned an error of %drn",<br/> GetLastError());<br/> }<br/> <br/> rtnStatus = EI_FAIL;<br/> }<br/> <br/> // Check for an unhadled error<br/> if (rtnStatus != EI_SUCCESS)<br/> {<br/> free(pIPAddrTable);<br/> reportStatus("ethernetIfAddIpToPC",rtnStatus);<br/> return rtnStatus;<br/> }<br/> <br/> if ( (dwRetVal = AddIPAddress(iaIPAddress,<br/> imIPMask,<br/> pIPAddrTable->table[0].dwIndex,<br/> &NTEContext,<br/> &NTEInstance) ) == NO_ERROR)<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("IP address added.n");<br/> }<br/> <br/> // Not sure what this error code is but appears to work fine.<br/> // Thought it might be that the IP address already exists, no harm done.<br/> else if (dwRetVal == 0xC000022A)<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("*** IP address already exists at %s, continuing ***n",<br/> szPCIP);<br/> }<br/> <br/> // Check for known errors as defined by the the documentation.<br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_INVALIDADAPTER;<br/> <br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_DUP_DOMAINNAME)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_DUPDOMAIN;<br/> <br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_NOADMINPRIV;<br/> <br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_INVALIDPARAMETER;<br/> <br/> else if (dwRetVal == ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)<br/> rtnStatus = EI_UNSUPPRTEDOS;<br/> <br/> // If any other error occurs, then attempt to print a string defining the<br/> // error.<br/> else<br/> {<br/> LPVOID lpMsgBuf;<br/> <br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("Error adding IP address, error = %d (0x%08X).n",<br/> dwRetVal,dwRetVal);<br/> <br/> if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |<br/> FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |<br/> FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,<br/> NULL,<br/> dwRetVal,<br/> 0, //MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language<br/> (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,<br/> 0,<br/> NULL ))<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("tError: %s", lpMsgBuf);<br/> }<br/> <br/> else<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("FormatMessage2 returned an error of %drn",<br/> GetLastError());<br/> }<br/> <br/> rtnStatus = EI_FAIL;<br/> }<br/> <br/> free(pIPAddrTable);<br/> <br/> reportStatus("ethernetIfAddIpToPC",rtnStatus);<br/> <br/> return rtnStatus;<br/> <br/> } /* ethernetIfAddIpToPC */<br/> <br/> DCA_API void ethernetIfCleanUp(void)<br/> {<br/> DWORD dwRetVal;<br/> <br/> // Reset flag denoting that the DCA has not be found. A new search<br/> // is required to "re-acquire" the DCA.<br/> LocalDCAFound = FALSE;<br/> <br/> // Delete the IP we just added using the NTEContext<br/> // variable where the handle was returned<br/> if ((dwRetVal = DeleteIPAddress(NTEContext)) != NO_ERROR)<br/> {<br/> if (debugMode)<br/> printf("tCall to DeleteIPAddress failed with error %d.n",<br/> dwRetVal);<br/> }<br/> <br/> } /* ethernetIfCleanUp */<br/>
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