convert integer (hex values) to string

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have the following problem:

If I convert a <span style="font-weight:bold unint8, which only contents numbers like "1234123412341234" it works perfectly fine.

But if there is one letter (A-F) inside the whole number gets displayed wrongly. An example would be "123456789ABCDEF"

I really need some help here.

My current Code is here:

<div style="text-align:left
<div class=codeseg>
<div class=codecontent>
<div class=codesniptitle><span style="width:100% Code Snippet
CONST uint8 strDevice[] = "Device:0x";

void zb_ReceiveDataIndication( uint16 source,   /*contains Short Address*/

                               uint16 command,  /*contains command word*/

                               uint16 len,      /*contains length of pData*/

                               uint8 *pData  )

  uint8 buf[32];
  uint8 *pBuf;
  uint8 tmpLen;

  if ( pData[0] == REPORT_RESPONSE )

      tmpLen = (uint8)osal_strlen( (char*)strDevice );  // length of "strDevice"
      pBuf = osal_memcpy( buf, strDevice, tmpLen );     // copy "Device: 0x"
      _ltoa( source, pBuf, 16 );                        // copy ShortAddr
      pBuf += 4;

      *pBuf++ = _;             // add seperation character

       *  problem zone starts here

      uint8 AddrValue[8];
      AddrValue[0] = pData[1];   // write Extended Address in variable
      AddrValue[1] = pData[2];
      AddrValue[2] = pData[3];
      AddrValue[3] = pData[4];
      AddrValue[4] = pData[5];
      AddrValue[5] = pData[6];
      AddrValue[6] = pData[7];
      AddrValue[7] = pData[8];

      for( int i=0; i<8; i++)
        *pBuf++ = (AddrValue / 10 ) + 0;    // convert msb to ascii
        *pBuf++ = (AddrValue % 10 ) + 0;    // convert lsb to ascii
       *  problem zone ends here

      *pBuf++ = (uint8)_; //seperation between ExtendedAddress & CounterValue

      uint8 counterValue[2];
      counterValue[0] = pData[9];
      counterValue[1] = pData[10];

      *pBuf++ = (counterValue[0] / 10 ) + 0;    // convert msb to ascii
      *pBuf++ = (counterValue[0] % 10 ) + 0;    // convert lsb   to ascii
      *pBuf++ = (counterValue[1] / 10 ) + 0;    // convert msb to ascii
      *pBuf++ = (counterValue[1] % 10 ) + 0;    // convert lsb   to ascii

      *pBuf++ = r;   // add endings
      *pBuf++ = n;
      *pBuf = ;

      #if defined( MT_TASK )
          debug_str( (uint8 *)buf );  // debug output (is defined in program)

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