Handle leak with COM objects

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Platform Microsoft Windows 7, Visual Studio C++ 2010, MSXML DOM
Im manipulation DOM objects in my code which is to be run on a server continuously. I was though reported that my code was causing a Handle leak problem when run on continue test. I was told that this statement
<pre style="font-family:Consolas <pre class="prettyprint HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance (__uuidof (ABIDOMDocument60), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS (ppDoc)); [/code] was causing Handles Thread count to increase, but Im not familiar with Handles, and I tried to release the Handle created from this statement using <pre class="prettyprint ABIXMLDOMDocument3* p = GetXMLFilePtr()->GetDOMDoc(); p->Release() [/code] But that either didnt decrease the Handle count. Can anyone advice me on what to do to fix that issue? Thanks and Regards, Hajer [/code]
<hr class="sig the world is mine

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